Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1870: Beaten face 3

The elders of the month are slightly stunned.八一一中文 W ≤ W ≥ W ≥. ≈8≈1≤Z=W≈. ≈C≥OM

"Lin Yuege." Jun Wuxie suddenly spit out three words from the elders of the month to make him creepy.

"Impossible! You can't find Yueyi!" The elders of the month were cold and sweaty, turning their heads to look at the innocent, and the face did not believe.

Jun is innocent but not too slow: "You are very smart, know that Lin Yuege is the place to worship the lord of the Shadow Moon Palace. Only on the day of the memorial, the Lord of the Shadow Moon Palace will enter the forest with the elders. When I worship the ancestors, I usually don’t allow any disciples to set foot. You think you can hide the moon in Lin Yuege, no one can get him, but unfortunately... I still found it.”

The innocent and quiet voice of the sinister ruined the last life-saving straw of the moon elders.

The elders of the month have already tore the face with the Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple, but now they are not only injured by the night, but the moon in the hands is also saved by the innocent!

In just half an hour, the elders of the month have suffered the biggest blow in their lives!

And this blow made him no longer have any way to live.

At this moment, the blood on the elder's face has been retired, and he suddenly feels a chill on his body.

The entrance to the main hall has been blocked by the innocent, and he has been seriously injured. There is also a shadow elder who hates him.

He has been forced to a desperate situation!


The elders of the month slammed into the hall, ignoring the wounds in their hands, and slamming their heads at the Shadowmoon Hall, which was surrounded by many disciples.

"His Highness! It is the old-fashioned eyeless, the old-fashioned melee, and asks the temple to look at the old and the shadows of the temple. I have to do it for many years. I am willing to give my whole body to the Shadowmoon Hall. His Royal Highness is a slave, please ask me to be a dog, save me a life!" The elders bowed their heads and pleaded.

Whether or not the innocent is the shadow of the elders, but looking at the innocent momentum, is not intended to give him a living.

Nowadays, the elders of the moon are only left with a shadow of the Temple of the Moon, and he has to fight for his pleading, in an attempt to provoke the sympathy of the Lord of the Shadow Moon Palace.

Unfortunately, this time, the elders of the month are wrong.

If it is said that before the appearance of the New Moon, the Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple, even if he knew that the elders of the month might have done something that would damage the Temple of Shadows, he would let him go because of his old feelings, but at the Temple of Shadow Moon. Knowing that when the elders of the month are poisoning him, he has already hated the elders of the month!

"Moon elders, do you think I will save you this ungrateful white-eyed wolf?" The Lord of Shadowmoon Hall sneered aloud, he looked up and looked at the innocent and politeness of the face of the city: "Miss Jun, today you have to The shadow elders are in the early days, and there will be no opinions under them. This person is no longer the elder of my Shadowmoon Hall. If you want to kill, you must know how to listen."

"His Royal Highness!!!" The elders of the month were horrified with wide eyes, and the pupils were enlarged by fear.

However, the Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple did not even look at him, but he looked at the beauty of the innocent.

"Night in the night." The innocent voice of Jun is like a death knell, and it sounds behind the elders of the month.

The elders of the month fiercely attacked a spirit, and the instinct of survival made him burst out of all the spiritual power, roaring and rushing to the exit of the hall!

However, at the moment when the elders of the month were not close to the temple door, the figure of the night alone had already come behind him!

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