Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1873: Beaten face 6

The shadow elder sneered. Eight? One Chinese network?? W ≥ W = W ≥. ≥8≤1≤Z≈W≈. ≥C≠OM

The shadow moon temple main sees the elders can not speak, but they have to look directly at the innocent way: "Miss Jun has a grace for the Shadow Moon Temple. There is a misunderstanding between me and the shadow elders. I think Miss Jun should be distinguished by such intelligent people. Understand that I have always treated the disciples and elders in the temple, otherwise I will not condone the elders of the month to give birth to this and vice versa."

The innocent face looked at the Shadow Moon Hall, and he did not respond to his explanation.

The Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple was a bit embarrassed, but he saw the night of the innocent, and he began to lobby.

Until the innocent patience was exhausted, she finally opened her mouth.

"Are you finished?"

On the main face of the Shadow Moon Temple, he nodded immediately.

"What advice does Miss Jun have?"

"Do you want to pull me into the Shadowmoon Hall?"

The shadow moon temple master was blocked by the straightforward words of Jun Wuxie. After a while, it was adjusted back. He smiled and said: "Miss Jun is agile and talented. It is a rare talent in the world. If you are interested Joining my Shadowmoon Hall is naturally the blessing of my Shadowmoon Hall. I promise to welcome you by the elders."

The master of the Shadow Moon Temple was re-applied, and the way of the elders in the early days was invisible.

Suddenly, the innocent mouth of the mouth evokes a shallow smile.

That smile is extremely light, almost impossible to detect, but it is still a little bit of arc, but the more the face of the immortality becomes more fascinating. For a time, the Lord of the Shadows Palace is actually looking crazy and unable to return to God.

"I am sorry." Jun no evil looked up slightly.

"I have no interest in joining your Shadowmoon Hall, but I am very interested in destroying the Shadowmoon Hall."

If you are innocent, let the Lord of Shadowmoon Hall, who is addicted to beauty, be struck by lightning. He widened his eyes and looked at the innocent, and couldn't believe what he had heard.

"Miss Jun, are you kidding? This is not funny at all." The face of the Shadowmoon Hall is somewhat ugly.

Jun shrugs his shoulders and raises his hand and gently waves.

The nightingale standing at the door of the temple will close the door of the temple!

The heavy closing sound echoed in the hall, and the voice was like knocking on everyone's heart in the temple.

"Just? You should be right."

Even if the Lord of Shadowmoon Hall is a fool, I can see that the situation is not right.

"Miss Jun, my Shadowmoon Hall is innocent and enmity with you, and I have not offended you. When you pretend to be a joy in my Shadowmoon Hall, I am also very polite to you. What are you doing?" The voice of the Lord suddenly sank.

"I am happy." Jun has no words to throw out people who vomit blood.

She is happy? !

A sentence she is happy, can open the destruction of the Shadowmoon Hall, one of the twelve temples?

Everyone in the hall was vomiting blood by the innocent voice.

The people who dare to say such things to the Twelve Temples in the world are afraid that there are not many.

"Nothing is evil, are you serious?" The Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple squinted his eyes and looked at the arrogant and innocent.

"Yes." Jun no evil raised his eyebrows.

If you are innocent, let everything before the Lord of Shadowmoon Hall become a joke. The person he is eager to win, even wants to destroy the entire Shadowmoon Hall, the Shadow Moon Temple The word of tying is only so ridiculous.

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