Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1875: Beaten face 8

The wolverines and panic of the Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple made the disciples who were originally timid and more flustered. Their hands holding the weapons began to shake.

Evil domain...

That is a nightmare imprinted on everyone's heart.

This is the deterrent power of the evil domain. For the first time, it is truly displayed in front of the innocent eyes. The kind of power that is above all else makes the king feel innocent.

Nightingales and nights are just releasing the devil, and it is extremely difficult to imagine that the lord of the Shadowmoon Hall will lose the will to fight so much.

The shadow elders standing in the hall looked at everything in front of them. He had heard about the name of the evil domain. He was only different from the twelve temples. The impressions of the major families on the evil domain were not bad, and Rao was so. The shadow elders did not think that they were evil people!

The former elders were shocked by the power of the night and the nightingale, but they did not know their true origins and did not dare to ask.

When the Lord of Shadowmoon Hall was horrified by the words of the evil domain, he was completely dumbfounded.

He never thought that the origins of the innocent people were so terrible!

Jun no evil, cold eyes, staring at the shadow of the Shadow Moon Palace, slowly raised his hand.

The nightingale and the night of the night suddenly turned into two black whirlwinds, sweeping toward those in the Shadowmoon Hall.

In an instant, blood splashed!

The disciples who had already been scared of the souls who had not been attached to the body had no power to fight back under the nightingale and the nightmare.

A mourning rang in the hall of the Shadowmoon Hall.

The Lord of Shadowmoon Temple has been curling up and hiding in a chair. He holds his head and closes his eyes. The screams of the Shadowmoon Temple disciples are constantly coming to his ears. The thick **** smell is filled in the air. His breathing, inhaling the abdominal cavity, made his fear deeper and deeper.

Many disciples, in just one minute, were killed by the nightingale and the night, and the bodies that fell in the hall were stacked together, and the blood stained every corner of the hall.

The nightingale went to the upper position, raising his hand and screaming at the shadow of the temple.

The shadow moon temple, which was caught by the nightingale, waved his hands and struggled in vain, but did not have any meaning. Eventually, it was thrown into the front of the innocent, and was randomly thrown on the ground.

The lord of the Shadow Moon Temple, once high above me, fell into the front of the innocent, and his body was full of warm blood. The sticky touch was transmitted to his skin through the clothes and let him The shocked teeth are shaking.

"Let me go... let me go... you want to shadow the temple, I will give you... you have to destroy it, how to do it well... let me go..." The shadow of the temple Filled with fear, he raised his eyes pleadingly, watching the innocent, his life is now pinched in the hands of this stunning girl.

"Let you let go?" Jun no evil raised his eyebrows slightly, she glanced at the Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple, then raised her hand, hooked the moon and the shadow elders.

The shadow elders recovered from the shock and walked to the side of the innocent, and the moon has already been scared by everything in front of him. After a while, there was no response.

"You ask them, would you like to let go of you."

In order to seize the treasures of the war family, Shadowmoon Hall did not hesitate to kill the sons and daughter-in-law of the shadow elders, but also to raise the moon and the moon as a chess piece and playthings, and cruelly let them suffer in front of their pro-grandfather. It is the sin committed by Shadowmoon Hall.

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