Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1895: Twelve Temple Summit 9

Seeing that the whole banquet was cold like a hail, the face of the Lord of the Inflammatory Temple was even worse. He had already felt that the owner of the Purple Thunder Temple had cast it on him and disdain his eyes. ?八一中文网W=W≠W. 81ZW. COM

The main hall of the Temple of the Fire Demon was wrinkled, and the elders on the side immediately noticed an abnormality, and quickly rushed out to see the eyes of the people.

"All the temples have arrived, but they still don't see the shadow of the Shadowmoon Hall. I wonder if anyone knows when the people of Shadowmoon Hall will arrive?"

The opening of the elders of the Inflammatory Temple suddenly caught the attention of many people.

During this time, they were not pleasing to each other, but no one noticed that the people of Shadowmoon Hall had not come yet.

"I haven't received an invitation before the Shadowmoon Hall? It's not enough for them to come over for so long? If I remember correctly, the Shadowmoon Hall should be the closest here." The elders of the Bloody Temple immediately echoed.

"Shadow Moon Hall? During this time they are really stopping, the days are really leisurely. I am afraid that we must forget that we are." I don't know which of the temple's elders sneered.

The eleventh halls of the Twelve Halls have been severely damaged. The temples have to bite their teeth. The reason why today will come is that most of them are trying to solve all this with gentle means. Don't continue to fight again.

Nowadays, the Shadowmoon Hall was suddenly mentioned, and the Shadowmoon Hall did not suffer any damage. This made the other halls suddenly unbalanced, and today, it has not yet arrived, and many people in the temple feel dissatisfied.

"Oh, the Shadow Moon Hall has just changed the temple owner. It is said to be a young girl. It is normal to not know how many rituals are." The elders of the Inflammatory Temple saw the firepower shift, and the surface was soothing.

"Little girl? It’s young, naturally, I have to know how to get the number of gifts. Isn’t it for us to wait for her to be such a group?”

"The Shadowmoon Hall is afraid to see us a lot of jokes these days. Who knows what they think in their hearts."

"Yeah, I guess I still want to take the opportunity to grow up."

Found a common target of attack, everyone's mouth is not a bit of a slap in the face, one by one with a gun, said not so harsh.

The Lord of the Fire Temple looked at the atmosphere at the banquet with satisfaction and secretly nodded to the elders.

In fact, this time I came back to the summit, many of the temples want to end this battle as soon as possible, and don’t continue to consume it. However, the contradiction between them is like a sigh in the throat. Now, a movie hall that has not arrived yet is coming out. But let them find the target that can be vented.

When all the temples have losses, the only preserved temple naturally makes everyone feel uncomfortable, and wants to pull it down into the water, and the heart is balanced.

At the banquet, when the people were besieging the Shadowmoon Hall, a disciple of the Inflammatory Temple suddenly came in and fell directly into the hall.

"The people who started the temple, the people of the Shadowmoon Hall came."

"Oh?" The main hall of the Inflammatory Temple raised his eyebrows slightly, and his eyes flashed a sneer.

It was very time to come. At this time, the temples were quite interested in the Shadowmoon Hall. The Shadowmoon Hall came here, just to catch up with the anger of everyone.

"Qiao Chu, go to the people who are in the shadow of the temple, arrange their disciples, and then invite their masters." The Lord of the Fire Temple commanded.

In the heart of Qiao Chu, she was in the heart of her mother. She knew what the main idea of ​​the Temple of the Fire Temple was. Although he also wanted to talk privately with Jun, he was not the purpose of this impure!

"Yes." No matter how collapsed his heart, Qiao Chu was forced to calm down and walked out of the banquet.

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