Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1900: Shining debut 5

"Thank you. Eight?? One Chinese W? W (a) W.81ZW.COM" Jun faint faint opening, took the lead to the vacant seat.

The heads of the temples and the elders have calmed down, but the young disciples are involuntarily staring at the innocent every move, and the eyes are falling out.

When the emperor was seated, everyone noticed that there were a few people behind the innocent, and two of them looked like a man, but they stood by the innocent side but were covered with all the light. On the contrary, I feel that it is not so amazing.

The whispering hours of the banquet, the whisper of whispers gradually sounded.

The people of the Temple of the Inflammatory Temple secretly looked at the Shadow Moon Temple. They originally thought that the number of people in the Shadow Moon Hall was small. It was the ignorance of the new lord. But after seeing Jun No Evil, he dared not think about it. An ignorant girl.

The temperament that is scattered from the inside is definitely not disguised.

After the Lord of the Fire Demon Temple swept a few people behind the innocent, the doubts in his heart were thicker.

Among the nine people behind the innocent, he has seen two people, one is the shadow elder of the Shadowmoon Hall, and the other is the Sun Moon Yue of the Shadow Moon Palace elders, and one of them is very similar to Yue Yi. Little girl, if there is no guess, it should be Yue Yue’s sister.

The shadow elders are the people of the war family. The war family has a long history in the middle three circles, hoarding bad things and not good things, but in addition to the background of the war family, the strength of the shadow elders is not outstanding, Yueyi’s qualifications Although it is not bad, but compared with Joe Chu, it is still weaker, not the top, not to mention the New Moon.

However, there is a point that makes the Lord of the Fire Hall feel very strange, that is, the most powerful month elders of the Shadow Moon Hall elders have no peers?

Except for a few familiar people, the rest of the temples of the Inflammatory Temple have never been seen before.

The most special one is the woman who is somewhat similar to Jun's innocent temperament. Her strength is also good, but it is not like Yueyi.

The rest of the few did not see the strength of the outstanding, even a man and a teenager can not feel a little bit of spiritual power, which is very puzzling.

According to the feeling of the innocent to the Lord of the Fire Temple, she should not be a person without a brain, but with such a group of ordinary people to participate in the 12th Summit, what did she think?

It’s hard to do it. Is it the former lord of the Shadowmoon Hall that is deliberately martyr?

Everyone knows that the former lord of the Shadowmoon Hall had to abdicate because of his physical will, but no one would be willing to give up all the power, even if it was his own sister, it would be impossible for him to be a master. I suspect that the reason why Jun is innocent brought so many people, and most of them are born with many eyes. In all likelihood, the predecessor of the temple has seized a lot of her power.

"It turned out to be awkward." The Lord of the Fire Temple touched his chin, with a hint of sneer in his heart, and he couldn’t help but look at the innocence.

The minds of the Lord of the Inflammatory Temple coincided with the masters of other temples. After the previous stunning, they quickly calmed down and analyzed the weight of the new lord of the Shadowmoon Hall.

"Since all of them have gathered together, we might as well have a drink. The twelve halls have not been gathered for a long time like this. For the glory of the Twelve Halls, we have done this." The Lord of the Fire Temple stood up immediately. Cup road.

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