Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1903: Appetizer 3

But now, the ancient meaning can not be done. Bayi? Chinese network? W? W (a) W (a). (1) 8?1ZW. COM

The words of the Lord of the Dragons may be somewhat doubtful, but as long as he retorts and reveals the shame in his heart, then this matter will be settled!

"The Lord of the Dragons, I know that you have hated me and the shadow because of the death of your son. You have to explain it today, and I will give you an account." The ancient intentions endured the inner anger, and made it calm. The opening.

Sitting in the ancient Italian side, Gu Xin’s heart gave birth to an ominous premonition. She subconsciously pulled the sleeves of Laguyi and looked at her father with a slight pleading.

The ancient meaning completely ignored the daughter's request.

"Oh, I have to look at it, what do you want to give me." The Lord of the Dragon Temple sneered.

The ancients looked at the Lord of the Dragon Temple and suddenly lowered his eyes and called out behind him.

"Ancient painting."

Hearing the sound of ancient meaning, the corner of the ancient shadow crossed a trace of ridicule, and he stood up neatly, standing in the sight of everyone.

"You sin in the sin of the temple, you can know sin." The ancient voice is cold and shaking.

"Knowing sin." The ancient shadows should be settled down.

Gu Xin’s eyes widened, and he looked at his father and looked at the shadows. His eyes were full of worry.

"Indebted debts, killing people, you are the son of my ancient, naturally have to bear. Go!" The cold mouth of the ancient.

"Father!!" Gu Xin screamed in amazement.

"You shut me up!" Gu Yin glanced at Gu Xin.

There is a smile on the corner of the shadow, and Gu Xinyi, who is trying to pray for himself, has a smile on his eyes.

His kind little sister...

The ancients raised their heads and strode to the center of the hall, facing the red dragons of the Dragon Temple.

"The Lord of the Dragons, this is what I have given you. From now on, the ancient shadows will be handed over to you, and it is necessary to kill and listen to the respect. The 12th Hall is hand in hand, and it is not appropriate to fight against the Nine Palaces. If I wait. If you want to let the Jiugong look at the jokes?" The ancient meaning of the righteousness is utterly unsatisfactory.

The Lord of the Dragon Temple looked at the shadows with his eyes open, and the killing in his eyes was suffocating.

"You are right, you confessed, I accepted it. Come on! Bring this killer who killed the Lord, and bring it to me!"

"No!" Gu Xin slammed out from the table, completely ignoring the blockage of ancient intentions, rushed to the front of the ancient shadow, directly blocked between the Lord of the Dragon Temple and the ancient shadow.

"Uncle Zhuge, Zhuge Yin is really not killed by my brother, he was framed, I can testify!" Gu Xin's thin body is in front of the ancient shadow, the ancient shadow is slightly stunned, with a smile There was a shock in the fundus.

The Lord of the Dragon Temple sneered, "Do you think that you, I will believe?"

Gu Xinyi anxiously said: "I can go check, give me a month, I will definitely find out who killed Zhuge Yin!"

The Lord of the Dragon Temple is already impatient. He looked at the ancient meaning.

The ancient meaning immediately said: "Come, come back to the room, please take a rest, she is drunk."

"Father! He is my brother!" Gu Xin looked incredulously at the ancient meaning. Several elders of the Bloody Temple had stepped forward and opened her, but Gu Xinyi did not want to leave.

"Go back." The shadow suddenly sprang up. He reached out and opened a little hand that Gu Xin took his cuff.

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