Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1906: Wind and rain come 3

The shadow elders looked at the situation in the room, and it is already certain that tomorrow’s Twelve Summit will definitely have a big deal!

If he did not see it with his own eyes, he could not have imagined that such a young girl, who had no such thing as a young man, could have so many contacts, even that several teenagers had already penetrated into several halls. ?八一中文网W≠W≥W≥. ≥8≠1≠Z=W≈. ≥C≥O≈M

The shadow elders thought that the chaos of the Twelve Halls seemed to have started from the group of teenagers who had left the Yunxiao Academy. From the initial Jinghong Hall, the situation of the Twelve Halls became extremely tense.

According to the calculation of the timeline, and then contact the battles of the various temples, the shadow elders soon appeared, and the temples were almost all the places where the teenagers were in conflict, and the time coincided with the time when they entered the temples completely!

An astonishing speculation emerged in the mind of the shadow elders. He looked incredulously at the vibrant teenagers in the room, and his eyes finally fell on the innocent.

Could it be that... they have arranged everything from the beginning? !

As soon as this thought appeared, the elders of the shadows couldn’t stop fighting and watched the spirit of sitting at the table calmly. He only felt that the heart seemed to suffer tremendous oppression.

He has not dared to think anymore!

Qiao Chu did not get an answer here, and he went to see Qu Ling Yue, but...

Qu Ling Yue did not look at him, but stared at the innocent teacup. When he saw it, he poured tea silently.

Qiao Chu completely gave up.

"You guys! I... I don't ask." Joe Chu was sitting on the side.

There was another laugh in the room.

The joy of laughter at this moment makes the atmosphere alive.

Yue Lu is standing next to Yue Yi, quietly watching those who surround the side of Jun Wu, some cramped biting his nails.

"Brother, did Master have so many partners?" Yue Yan looked up and suddenly did not adapt. In the Shadow Moon Temple, Master only had her side, and the quiet Master seemed to be isolated from the world.

"It should be." Yue Yi is also uncertain, the innocent temper is too cold, and he did not expect that there will be so many partners around him, and seeing the conversation between them, the feelings are quite Not bad.

It is really enviable.

Jun No Evil is watching the funny laughter of his companions, his eyes falling on the Yueyi brothers and sisters standing in the corner, she raised her hand and waved at the moon.

The moon was a little nervous and went over.

Master's companion looks good and she is suddenly inferior. She was so unbearable, is she really qualified to worship the king?

The moon looks like an elf, but the heart feels that there is a strong inferiority in the past of the Shadowmoon Hall. This is why she is reluctant to recognize the elders. The younger child is the most vulnerable, her inferiority, let her I dare not touch everything that is beautiful.

She feels that she is not worthy.

Jun Wuji stood up and took the little hand of Yueyue and walked to the face of Yan.

"Master, this is my apprentice."

The moon was slightly shocked, and the small shoulders began to shake involuntarily. She did not think that Jun Wu will introduce herself with her own master. She always felt that there was a big difference between herself and Jun.

Yan did not look at the shivering moonlight smiled and said: "I also have a grandson? Yes, little guys, don't be afraid, I am just scary and will not hurt you."

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