Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1910: Explosion hitting face 2

The words of the Lord of the Fire Hall caused a reconsideration. ?八一中文网W≠W≥W≥. ≥8≠1≠Z=W≈. ≥C≥O≈M

At this time, a disciple dressed in a costume of the Inflammatory Temple hurried into the venue.

The face of the Lord of the Fire Temple was immediately darkened.

"What, so in a hurry?"

"His Royal Highness! We found the mausoleum of the evil spirits!" The disciple looked anxiously open.

The main hall of the Inflammatory Temple was slightly shocked. The originally calm meeting room boiled in an instant, and everyone's eyes were concentrated on the body of the Temple of the Fire.

Since the fall of the evil spirits, the temples have never given up the search for the tombs of the evil spirits. In order to avoid the revenge of the evil areas, they can only secretly carry out, but they have spent a great deal of effort, but they have not found any clues. The four words of Emperor Mausoleum are almost impossible for them.

But no one thought that the people of the Temple of Fire will actually find the mausoleum of evil spirits!

"What are you talking about?" The Lord of the Fire Temple first had a heart, but when he felt that the other temples had cast his eyes on him, he suddenly felt that things were not good.

The evil emperor's mausoleum is a huge temptation for anyone. He wants to be in the temple, and other temples want it more. If you know that the temple of the evil spirits has found the mausoleum of evil spirits, then things are worse!

"His Royal Highness! Everyone is dead! In order to find the mausoleum of the evil spirits, everyone is dead... there is empty... The mausoleum of the evil spirits is empty... there is nothing in it... we are fooled... we are fooled..." The disciple suddenly vomited a piece of blood and fell to the ground. Only after he had finished the last words, he stood upright on the ground and looked like he had no breath.

At this time, Jun Wuji got up and walked over, explored the man’s breath, turned his head and looked at the nervous people: "Dead."

Everyone took a breath of air.

The last words of the disciple echoed in the minds of all people at this moment.

They are looking for the mausoleum of evil spirits...

Is it empty?

How is this possible?

The Lord of the Inflammatory Temple sat in a chair, though they all felt that they had the hope of finding the mausoleum of the evil spirits, but there was always a hope in the heart, but today such an illusion was broken by cruelty.

"The Lord of the Fire Temple! What the **** is this! If you don't want us to continue to search for the evil emperor's mausoleum, you should not use such words to lie to us!" The master of the Xuantian Temple stood up and stood red. Pointing at the Lord of the Temple of Fire, the lord of the temple is screaming.

He absolutely does not believe that the tomb of the evil emperor is a fake.

The other halllords also showed the same reaction. In their view, all this, the machine may be the conspiracy of the Inflammation Hall!

However, it has not yet been explained by the Lord of the Fire Temple, and several disciples dressed in different temple costumes came in from outside the venue.

And their situation is very bad, they all said the same words as the disciple of the Yanmo Temple.

The only difference is that they did not die, but they were extremely weak. From the mouths of those disciples, the temple masters finally got the truth of the evil emperor's mausoleum.

According to the words of the disciples, they entered the broken world, found the mausoleum of the evil emperor from different paths, even in order to compete for the mausoleum of the evil emperor, but also made a big fight, and countless deaths and injuries, but when they finally entered the mausoleum of the evil emperor, they greeted them. It is a completely vacant graveyard.

Even the coffin of the evil emperor is empty!

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