Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1912: Explosive face 4

"The Lord of the Shadows Hall, what do you mean by this?" The face of the Lord of the Fire Temple was instantly gloomy. The other temple masters also looked strange and looked at the innocent, and did not expect that there would be a master. Say something like this. ?八一中文W?W?W?. ?8 (eight) 1 (eight) Z? W (eight). ?COM

Jun no evil raised his eyebrows, not afraid of the eyes of the lords, she leisurely leaned on the chair, looked up and looked at the crowd.

"The literal meaning is that the evil emperor's mausoleum is empty, but the people who sacrificed in the temples are true. Those who died and wounded paid their lives, but the result was a joke. Do you think this is appropriate?"

The owner of the Xuantian Temple said at this time: "You are still young at the Shadow Moon Temple. You may not understand the importance of the evil emperor's mausoleum. If you don't fight for the hope, you will not be ruined. A lifetime? Twelve halls have always been stronger than the Nine Palaces. If we continue to sit still, one day, one day, we will be destroyed by the Nine Palaces. Looking for the tombs of evil spirits and obtaining the treasures of evil spirits is the way for us to be strong. Who will give up in front of me?"

Jun no evil coldly pulled the corner of his mouth.

"Since it is what you want, then you just want to find it yourself? You are the one who wants to take advantage of the fishermen’s interests. The sacrifice is the disciples of your men. Now the evil emperor’s mausoleum is empty. For you, it’s just Losing one can get the treasure, and for those who have sacrificed in the world, they have paid their lives. Who remembers, are you the first to send the team to break the horizon? Who remembers them? Everyone's name? They die for your ambitions, but now you are thinking of losing a lot of treasures, and not feeling embarrassed and sorry for those who died. Dare to ask... Are you still people? ”

The sound of the innocent is very light, but every word is as sharp as a knife, and the mask of the main hall of each temple is pierced without mercy.

In order to gain a powerful force, these people are exchanged for the lives of others. The name is broken and the crisis is raging, but their inflated ambitions continue to send people to the end of the world, and even to the idea of ​​hitting the heads of the next three forces. on.

They have looked down on the people in the Three Realms from the bottom of their hearts, and they have not treated the people in the Lower Three Realms as human beings.

Jun No Evil is looking for the tomb of the evil emperor, but from beginning to end she is going to go personally, even if Rui Linjun listens to her, even if she is already the emperor of the country, she will never allow, use the lives of others In exchange for your own powerful!

The words of the innocent, the face of all the temple masters in the room instantly became iron, and they roared this little girl who was inferior, and wanted to sew her mouth.

Her words were too ugly, but they really poked the true thoughts of their hearts.

"Little girl, if you are young, you should pay attention to some measure. I am waiting for you a lot. Although I don't want to care about you, you have to know respect. How many things do we have to do as the head of each temple?" Do you have to do it yourself? Do we want to find out what we are going to do?" The Lord of the Fire Temple sneered.

"Whether you can't do it yourself, why bother to pry into something that doesn't belong to you?" There is a hint of ridicule on the face of Jun's innocence. Such a superior is really ridiculous. The lives of others are just the pieces in their hands.

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