Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1914: Explosion hitting face 6

The Lord of the Inflammatory Temple was almost stunned by the innocent. ?八一中文??网?W≤WW. 81ZW. COM

"The next three worlds? Are you not stupid? In the next three places, how can you appear such a young purple spirit? It really is a cowardly rabbit bunny, even the door does not dare to explode." Speaking irony, the masters of their temples are all silver spirits. How can they not see the strength of the four levels of the innocent purple spirit? Do not want to say that the three borders of the poor backcountry, and these talents for a few days in the middle three circles, it is also an unprecedented enchanting.

Jun no sorrow shrug his shoulders, and he did not care about the sarcasm of the Purple Throne Hall.

"Letter and not believe with you."

"Little devil, are you too self-righteous? I have never seen you so daring, killing the Shadow Moon Temple, the Lord has even the courage to run to the Twelve Summit, is not that you think we dare not treat you how ?" Xuantian Temple Lord sneered.

The innocent killing of the Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple did make them extremely accidental, but everyone knows that the Lord of Shadowmoon Temple was physically unwell from a long time ago, and the spiritual repair has also greatly declined. Naturally, Compared with them, the lords of the temple are weaker. No one knows where the spiritual power before the death of the lord of the Shadow Moon Temple has fallen.

"Is it innocent? Is it for you to come here? If you say it, we may still give you a way to live." The main hall of the Temple of Fire, the cold opening, he is not as arrogant as other temple owners. He always feels that there is nothing in the presence of the innocent.

But what is it?

Before that, he can be sure that he has never heard of this name, but the other party said that he is from the next three worlds, but her strength should not be the third world.

"The purpose?" Jun no evil raised his eyebrows slightly.

"My purpose will be known later, but before that, I think there are a few people who should probably see you and return the things you owe them one by one." Jun smirked and threw aloud. Such a heartfelt word.

When the voice landed, she raised her hand.

The crisp sound echoed in everyone's ear.

The locked door was pushed open in an instant, and several tall figures quietly walked in from outside.

The lords who were waiting for the sorrow were stunned by the moment they saw the entrant.

"Qiao Chu?" The Lord of the Fire Temple was incredulously watching Joe Chu walking into the venue.

"Hello, my Highness." Qiao Chu smiled and looked at the Lord of the Fire Temple, a slight gift, like the respectfulness of the past in the Temple of Fire, but his eyes have already floated a killing.

"Flower, what are you doing?" The owner of the Purple Thunder Temple looked at the flower buds standing next to Qiao Chu. The two walked side by side, giving a very harmonious feeling, but he clearly remembered before. He has a great contradiction with Qiao Chu. He almost hits when he meets, how?

The flower sly looked at the stranger of the purple thunder temple, and ignored his inquiry.

The Lord of the Relic Temple was also on the spot when he saw Rong Ruo.

The owner of the Xuantian Temple was also amazed when he saw Vatican.

"Non-smoke, what is going on in the end?" The Lord of the Dragon Temple squinted slightly, looking at the side of Rong Ruo, a smile that was not a smoke, and his heart faintly raised an uneasy.

"As you can see, my Highness, I have been rebellious." The non-smoke is extremely splendid, but the words made the Lord of the Dragons a lightning strike.

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