Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1924: Explosion hitting face 16

The empty temple, the floating temple, the living hall, and the temple of the Jinghong Hall were stopped by the students!

"I want to move our Missy, let's talk about this before us.? August 1? Chinese? W≈W≥W≠.≤8≈1≤Z≤W≥.=C≈O≈M≠" Looking at the main hall of the temple of Jinghong, which was directly stopped by him, cold channel.

"I am waiting for the ants, I want to hurt our Missy? Not at all." The night moved the neck, the sound of the sound was heard, and a pair of eyes burned with flaming flames. After leaving the mausoleum of the evil spirits, the killing was suppressed. The heart is free from the **** at this moment!

The owner of the empty temple in front of him is already a dead man for him!

"Idiot! There is a kind of come! Grandpa, I am waiting for you here!" Drunk Lotus broke the empty jug with one hand and arrogantly looked at the Lord of the Temple.

"Oh, some people want to die, we naturally have to complete." Poppies with one hand and arms crossed, the other hand is troubled by the point of the forehead, pity to look at the eyes of the Lord of the Temple.

The four figures that suddenly appeared, let the four lords give a slight glimpse, they just did not realize the arrival of these people?

What makes them even more surprised is that among the four people, there are actually two people who are ringing spirits! And still the plant system is ringing!

"Hey!" A loud roar suddenly sounded.

A huge black shadow is directly blocked between the innocent and the ancient!

The fierce black beast showed sharp claws toward the ancient meaning!

"No matter who they are, they must kill them." The ancient minds raised a sense of uneasiness, and their spiritual power produced huge consumption. Looking at today's battle, it is only premature to be prepared!

This time it is not so easy to solve!

In the blink of an eye, each fights, and the fierce battle starts at this moment!

The ancient meaning has already seen that the leader among these people is the innocent!

The thief first smashed the king, and the ancient intention went straight to the innocent rush!

The black beast flew toward the ancient meaning, and the innocent opportunity took over the surface of Senro, which was wrapped around the main body of the Bibo Temple. It lost the support of the vines and was smashed with the **** temples. The Lord fell directly in the pool of blood!

The face of Sen Luo returned to the hands of the innocent. She went back to the blood on her back and put it directly on her face. Numerous vines spread from the mask, spread all over the body, from head to toe, completely Shrouded, after the full coverage, the vines flashed a silvery white light, until the radiance faded, the vines covered in the innocent body disappeared without a trace, replaced by a silver armor !

The armor is full of silver, and the whole person is wrapped in the innocent, revealing only those shocking scorpions.

The ancient thoughts were shocked, too late to think too much, and handcuffed their own spirits!

It is a giant tiger-shaped ring spirit, a pair of long and sharp teeth, and the body shape is twice as big as an adult elephant!

The giant tiger screamed in the sky and snarled toward the black beast blocking the ancient road. The two giant beasts entangled in an instant, constantly smashing!

The ancient meaning did not dare to delay, and directly rushed toward the innocent!

However, the innocence of wearing a Senro armor has improved more than one grade!

The power of Senro's face is not comparable to ordinary treasures. It has thousands of changes, and each one can bring great improvement to people!

The spiritual light in the hands of the ancients is turned into a light knife, sweeping toward the innocent, and the light knife leaves a shadow in the air!

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