Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1927: Explosive face 19 seeking monthly ticket

Qiao Chu sneered. Eight?? One Chinese network W=W=W=. =8≤1=Z≤W≈. ≥C≤O≥M

"You can rest assured that I will not kill you. I will never escape."

The Lord of the Fire Hall was cold and screamed. With the support of the army, he suddenly became tough.

Only in an instant, the elders of the various temples outside the door led many disciples to come in, and the battle in front of them made everyone squatting.

The fast, almost invisible figure, only under a moment of pause, they can vaguely see some appearance, but this look makes them completely dumbfounded.

Fighting with their lord, is actually the youngest disciple in their temple?

What happened to this?

The elders and other temple elders looked at them all, and Qiao Chu their strength, they are naturally clear, although the talent is very good, but the main level of the temple is still a world of difference.

However, what did they see?

They actually saw that the teenagers were covered with silver light that was not inferior to their lord!

These little boys, at what time, turned into a silver spirit! !

Everyone was stupid by all this, and for a time they didn't know how to react.

The innocent and calmly stood under the eyes of everyone, and the pair of shocked eyes passed over her strange Senro armor, full of surprises and surprises.

"Jun no evil, I see when you can still be proud of it. Today, you will pay a heavy price to your fellow partymen for everything you have done!" The ancient eyes blinked and the spirit was forbearing. The fluctuation of force, making it a tough opening.

Jun No Evil is only calmly looking at the ancient meaning, and the eyes seem to be a mockery.

Gu Xinyi stood beside the ancient meaning, and looked at the man wearing the silver armor with amazement. The man only showed a pair of eyes, could not see the appearance, and could not see the gender.

But I don't know why, Gu Xinyi always felt that the eyes seemed to have met each other.

"Pay a heavy price? Just because of you?" Jun no evil smiled and looked at the disciples who came in and out of the temple. She didn't have to look at it now. She also knew that outside the wall, she must have been surrounded. The team of the various temples, I am afraid that it will not take long, all the people in the temples of the city will gather here.

"Don't you dare to swear now? You colluded with Qiao Chu and others, provoked the chaos in the 12th Hall, killed the Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple, and instead sneaked into the Twelve Temple Summit, and even cruelly killed the owner of the Bibo Temple. A penny of blood, today I want you to come back one by one." Ancient cold channel.

In ancient terms, the disciples who came to the temple and the elders were surprised. They could hardly believe that the old words were true.

During this time, the chaos of the Twelve Halls was caused by this person?

She even killed the two temple owners of Shadowmoon Hall and Bibo Temple?

I heard that my master of the temple was killed by the innocent, and the elders of the Bibo Temple violently ran away, and one could not wait to swallow the innocent people.

Jun looked at the pair of murderous eyes indifferently, and there was no tension in the eyes. She just walked to the center in a random way, and sat down in the sitting position, but her armor stood out with numerous thick vines. With her movements, a chair was perfectly created to make the innocent and elegant seated.

That weird scene, everyone watching was frightened.

"Oh? Then you will try it out, whether you are dead today or I am dead." Under the voice of the innocent and proud, she made a sharp note!

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