Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1935: Explosive face 27 seeking monthly ticket

When Gu Gu was watching the movie, he noticed that the strongest of them is the night of the night, the strength of the night alone, even above the Jinling, if it is let alone, even in his hands These people who hold them are afraid that they will not be able to save their lives. ??八?一中文?W?W(eight)W?. ?8 (eight) 1 (one) Z? W (eight). ?C(一)O?M?

So early in the beginning, the ancient shadows let everyone transfer the target of the attack to the innocent body, forcing the night to be alone, thus trapping the strength of the night, so that he can not attack freely.

There is no sound in the innocent, and the night is guarding her with her life. She is not willing to waste even for a second, but she is constantly swallowing the drug as soon as possible to restore herself to the best condition. The face of Sen Luo is powerful. However, the power of Sen Luo’s face must be supported by the spiritual power of the contractor. Her spiritual power is not enough to let the face of Sen Luo swing its 100% strength, otherwise it will not fall into today’s embarrassment. Among the states.

There was chaos on the battlefield, and dozens of martial arts blocked their way forward, and they continued to fight and wanted to get close.

The great man and the **** rabbit also sensed the danger of being innocent. They roared and went, but they were blocked by a bunch of ring spirits, unable to get close, and they could only watch the night and the innocent cousin. Everyone’s heart can’t wait to smash the shadows.

"You are right. In the face of absolute power, nothing has any meaning." Suddenly, a low-pitched voice rang at the top of everyone's head.

The ancient shadow looked up strangely.

In the midair, a slender and elegant figure stood up in the air.

The man was dressed in black, long with the wind, and the half-squatting scorpion swept through the chaotic battlefield, and when he fell on the night and the innocent, he touched the body of the bloodless, the black scorpion in an instant. Violetized as a demon...

Suddenly, a black mist hovered in the sky, gradually covering the entire courtyard, shielding the sun and bringing the darkness to the eyes of everyone.

"So, how come you taste this taste?" Jun had no medicine to slightly smack the lips, but the evil smile was with a murderous murder. The pair of sly scorpions seemed to laugh, but let all The people who look at it are stunned.

Purple eyes.

Evil emperor...

How can it be!

The ancient shadows widened their eyes and looked at the sky. There was a man with strong pressure on his body. The man just stood there, but he had already made him feel that breathing was difficult, and the purple eyes were quiet. The identity of the person was revealed.

The evil spirit of the wicked domain that has fallen for thousands of years will appear here today!

Jun's drug-free figure turned into a black light and rushed into the chaos of the battlefield. He waved his hand, and those people around the night and the innocent were instantly invisible, only feeling the neck slightly A cool, tentacle moment, a blood line emerged from their neck, in an instant, more than 20 people's heads fell silently, and the headless body standing still stood a few meters high blood column!

The blood column was directly attached to the black fog in the air from the corpse, and it seemed to be swallowed by the absorption of a section of black fog.

"Jewel!" The night was so surprised that I saw no medicine.

"Give me." Jun had no eyes to open his eyes.

When I was alone in the night, I loosened my hands and sent the guarded priest to the front of the unmedicated.

"Are you coming?" Jun no evil looked at him with no eyes,

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