Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1941: Hidden 1

Can escape from the bloodless burial of Jun, the ancient things are really not small. Eight? One? Chinese text network W ≤ W ≈ W =. ≥8=1≈Z≤W≈. =COM

The ancient shadow escape is small, and the most worrying thing about the night charm is that the news that Jun is still alive is still alive.

"I have returned to the Middle Three Realms, and those people will sooner or later notice." Jun had no medicine to smear the lips, and the eyes flashed a bit of coldness.

"Gregory, then can we go back to the Three Realms?" The mood of the night charm is full of worries. The forces in the Three Kingdoms are complex, and those people touch a lot. For a while, it is not easy to deal with.

Jun no medicine turned slightly, looked at the locked door behind him, he suddenly shook his head.

"The next three things let them continue, after a while, you go back to the evil domain." Jun has no medicine.

"Back to the evil domain?" The nightingale and the night charm face flashed a bit of surprise at the same time.

Sir Alex Ferguson wants to return to the evil domain at night. Isn’t this suggesting that the news of his still alive is passed back to the evil domain?

"Jiaoye thinks twice! Your old wounds have not healed. It is not appropriate to do it with those people at this moment. Please give us some time. We will definitely handle everything properly. By the time..." The night charm immediately slammed in front of Jun. The words are discouraged.

Jun has no medicine to interrupt the words of the night charm.

"Even if I am willing to wait, I am afraid that those people can't sit still." Jun's mouthless mouth sneered a sneer, "The spirit of movement appears in the middle three circles, such an interesting thing, I am afraid they already have Next to the action, the Nine Palaces have been low-key for many years. This is not their style."

Even though I haven’t returned to the Three Kingdoms for a long time, the news of the Three Kingdoms has never disappeared from the ear of the drug.

One domain, four squares, nine palaces and twelve halls.

The influence of several forces in the Central Three Kingdoms, in the absence of medicine, has not yet raised the idea of ​​unification of the Three Realms. The Quartet does not ask the world, but the Jiugong and Twelve Temples are the most fierce. The Jiugong was established before the Twelve Halls. It is more abundant, and the relationship between the palaces of the Jiugong is far more harmonious than that of the 12th Hall. There has never been an infighting, so it has always been pressing the twelve halls, which is extremely strong.

However, according to the news collected by the night charms over the years, after the evil emperor fell and the evil domain retired, the Jiugong suddenly converges sharply, and the behavior has suddenly become low-key, which gives the twelve halls a chance to make a gimmick.

These other people may not know what it is, but it is a very interesting place in the eyes of Jun.

You must know that the palace of the Nine Palaces and the heads of the Twelve Temples are completely different. Since the establishment of the Nine Palaces, the palaces of the Nine Palaces have never been replaced!

As long as Jun appeared in the middle of the Three Kingdoms, the palaces of the Jiugong Palace had already been in the palaces until the three kingdoms of the unification of the king had not changed. Even now, the millennium has passed, the palace of the Jiugong, Still the nine people.

How can it suddenly become mediocre after living for thousands of years?

"If I remember correctly, the ancient shadow that escaped, isn't his mother's family exactly the spirit of the palace?" Jun had no eyebrows.

"Gregory, what do you mean... The Three Realms have already started their plans?" The night charm is a little glimpse.

Jun has no medicine and laughs.

"I am not sure if I start, but in the past millennium, they will not be idle, and they are afraid that they have done a lot of things."

"You can't even meet them at this time, otherwise..." The night charm bite his teeth, but he still didn't say anything, but the hatred in his eyes was already very obvious.

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