Qiao Chu and others instantly burst into tears. In August 1st, the text network W ≤ W ≠ W ≥. ≈81ZW. COM

Actually! !

"Little evil spirits ... still drink?" Qiao Chu's face turned from white to black, wanting to cry and tears, looking at the medicine pot that has the waist of an adult man.

Where is this medicine pot, this is the bucket at all!

"Good medicine bitter, how? Don't want to drink?" Jun no evil raised his eyebrows slightly, threatening full of meaning.

This time, who dares to resist, one can only forcefully look at the desperation of the face of the innocent.

Long Qiaqiang endured a smile, and under the instructions of Jun immortal, he gave Joe Chu their bowl full of medicine, looking at the black lacquered soup, and the faces of several people were even more ugly than before drinking.

Even if it is a panacea, but this taste...

Can they choose to continue to be so sick?

Obviously, the answer is no.

A few teenagers with a strong man's broken wrist-like decision, took the soup and suffocated.

This bowl of belly, really let them realize what is better than death.

One of the non-smoke ones couldn’t hold back, squatting on the bed and vomiting, the smell in his mouth, let him smell and want to die.

The retching tears came out, and the non-smoke felt that I was dying.

Qiao Chu's situation is not good enough to go anywhere, and squatting, the face is blushing.

Huali, Rongruo and Fan Zhuo are better, but from the lips they are close to, it is not difficult to see that they are trying to endure.

It is a pity that this "torture" is not over yet. After the second bowl of belly, Long Qia took the medicine pot and gave them medicine.

Qiao Chu looked at Ryusaki with an angry look. "Large Ryazaki, are you sure there are still in this pot?" Can't you see that they are dying? Can you be a little human care!

Long Qi looked at Qiao Chu with a serious look. Yi Zheng said: "Miss Da Ming ordered seven people according to the amount of five of you." So, I drank one or two bowls, even if he wanted to pretend to be a pot. It is empty, and I am afraid that I will not believe in it.

"Seven... seven copies..." Joe Chu widened his eyes and looked at Longqi in disbelief. He couldn't believe what kind of numbers he had heard.

The faces of several other people also ate whites like worms.

"This medicine should be taken every day in the future." Jun Wuji once again opened his mouth and left a message that made Qiao Chu and others completely messy.

In an instant, the five teenagers were petrified.

Drink every day...

"I... I am dizzy... I will sleep for a while." Non-smoke rushed to the quilt and ironed his heart to death.

"Yes, Ryugasaki, keep the non-smoke one, and give him a drink at night." How can you escape from the innocent?

The non-smoke wrapped in the quilt shook.

Fan Zhuo is the most accustomed to life. He may have been accustomed to taking medicine. Although the taste of this medicine is difficult to swallow, he has already learned to numb his own taste when drinking medicine. He drinks it directly in a bowl. I greeted Long Qia and hung up, and finished the remaining bowls in one go.

After seven bowls of soup, Vatican regretted it. The seven bowls of soup filled his stomach directly, so that the soup had already reached the eyes of his throat. The taste was not enough, and Van Gogh was completely desperate.

In the eyes of the innocent, Qiao Chu, they can only accept all the soups after they have been appointed, and after they have finished drinking, they all lie in bed like a serious illness.

Jun Wuxie looked at the moon, and Yue Yan immediately took the pile of medicinal herbs and smiled and walked to the front of Qiao Chu.

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