Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1985: Ghost Tower 7

Even if this layer is Meng Yiliang, it will be very uncomfortable to be shocked by the power of the soul. But is there no reaction?

This is simply too strange!

"The two are my brothers, and the two disciples that my master first received. The thick soul of the twelve layers of the soul is simply unbearable. It is better... I will take you to other layers to practice?" Meng Yiliang It is uncomfortable to be burnt by a huge layer of 12 spirits. It is hard to imagine that after being a soul, temperature will bring him discomfort. ?八一中?文W?W?W. 81ZW. COM

The innocent and unmoving standing in the same place, but the eyes did not stay on the huge spiritual fire, but fell on the circle of soul solid law below the fire, she can now be sure that these mantras are The soul is solid, because in it, she has already produced a series of spells that she is familiar with.

"No evil?" Meng Yiliang couldn't stand the high temperature of the twelve layers, his face was getting whiter and white, and he couldn't help but urge him.

Jun Wuxie returned to God and looked at Meng Yiliang who forcibly endured the high temperature. His eyes narrowed down: "No, I am not feeling well, I want to go back first."

"Is it?" Meng Yiliang secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If a new soul does not feel uncomfortable if it is directly on the 12th floor, then it is really a ghost. If you are innocent, then Meng Yiliang takes it for granted.

"You are still a new soul. I have just come to the Ghost Tower. I am sure that I will not adapt. In the future, you will come again. You only need to report my name to the guard at the door. The power of the soul here is very strong, but I can already be on the 11th floor. After cultivation, your soul is still relatively weak. It is more appropriate to practice from the first floor." Meng Yiliang’s self-satisfied opening did not even notice the coldness of the eyes of the innocent.

Jun no evil nodded slightly, Meng Yiliang was also ready to send her back, but she refused, can only send her to the first floor of the ghost tower, watching Jun no evil coming out of the tower, this fiercely gave a breath.

It is a pity that Meng Yiliang simply did not know that the reason why Jun is in danger of leaving is not limited. She can't bear the power of the soul in the ghost tower. If Meng Yiliang observes it carefully, it will appear, and the innocent soul will enter the ghost tower before. At the time, it was a lot more real, almost out of the semi-transparent state.

The innocent from the ghost tower, quietly went to the poppy and Xiaobailian waiting outside.

"Master, what's the situation inside? How come you come out so quickly?" Xiao Bailian saw the innocent, and then greeted him with a fart, ready to give a big hug to the innocent.

But I never thought that this flutter, when I met the body of the innocent, Xiao Bailian was backed by the innocent legs of the two steps, and a pair of big eyes suddenly smashed.

"Lord... Lord... People... I... I met you?" Xiaobailian pointed at the innocent, surprised and unbelievable.

You must know that when Jun Wuxie has just become a soul, Xiao Bailian is unable to touch the innocence even if he touches it!

But now, Xiao Bailian actually hit the innocent entity. How is this possible?

Ten minutes ago, when Jun Wuxie had not entered the Ghost Tower, Xiao Bailian couldn’t touch the innocent!

Aside from the side of the poppy, there is also a hint of surprise. As the old soul of the ghost world, he naturally knows how long a new soul wants to move from illusion to the entity.

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