Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1987: Go ahead 2

The branch that was blown by Qiao Chu, at this moment, was firmly held in the hands of the innocent!

Qiao Chu's face is proud, in front of Jun innocent, instantly broken into slag, he opened his mouth, looked incredulously at the innocent, can't wait to see the two holes from the innocent body . ?八一中文?W≥W≥W=. ≤81ZW. COM

"Little evil are you..." Qiao Chu was so poor at the moment, the original triumphant, nowadays it seems that the little boy is showing off in front of the grown-up.

How can you do this! !

Qiao Chu felt that his self-confidence had been hit harder than ever before. He thought that this time he could finally lead the small partners and become a leader.

As everyone knows, when he secretly proud that he can use his fingers to poke the branches, Jun Wu is so casually holding the branches in his hands!

Jun Wuxu looked at the face of Qiao Chu’s face, and looked at the branch in his hand. Only then was the branch flying by Qiao Chu, and she came straight to her face, but she Subconsciously raise your hand...

"Little evil, you honestly confess, no medicine big brother is not to open a small stove for you." Qiao Chu looked sad.

"No." Jun immortally threw the branches on the ground, shaking his head slightly helplessly.

Jun has never done a soul, and his understanding of the cultivation of the soul is not thorough.

"Then how are you..." Qiao Chu couldn't go on. He pointed to the branches on the ground and pointed to the innocent hand. His expression seemed to cry.

There is some headache in the innocent.

The flower buds on the side came out in a timely manner, looking at Qiao Chu, who was lying on the ground and sorrowful, and looked at Jun.

"Xiao Xie, your soul is close to the entity?" Hua Tu and Qiao Chu's concerns are completely different. Although he is shocked and innocent, he can touch the object next to him, but what makes him care more is Jun. Nearly the soul of a complete entity.

If he remembers correctly, he will see that when he is practicing in the house, the soul is still as translucent as they are, but how can it be completely changed in half an afternoon?

If you don't know that the innocent is the ghost world that entered with them, they should really think that it is a long time for them to come before them.

"Speak long, come to my house, let me talk slowly." Jun Wu thought, the things of the Ghost Tower and Nalan, and the same flower, they said it.

The flower nodded nodded, and several small companions followed the innocent to her house. Only Joe Chu was still stunned and squatted on the ground until the flowers went far away, and he raised his head fiercely. They have long been wondering how far they have gone.

There is no even comfort!

Qiao Chu feels that he has been abandoned by the whole world! !

"Two Joe, are you still coming?" The flower squats a little bit, and turned to look at the pitiful, cold voice that was suspected of being abandoned.

"Come on! I will be here soon!" Joe Chu slammed and slammed into the flower garden and looked awkward. "It’s still good for me."

The flower white gave him a look.

"You are saying, I am not good to you?" Jun suddenly turned his head, and his cold eyes swept from Qiao Chu.

Joe Chu shook his body.

"No! Little evil spirits are good for me!"

Jun no evil raised his eyebrows slightly, and his mouth was full of smiles.

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