Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2003: Can you eat well? 3

On the second floor of the Soul House, I saw a huge brown bear using his two fat toes and clasping a small spoon to fight the honey bacon on the plate. ??八?一中文?W(eight)W?W?. (1) 8?1?Z?W. COM

They were only watching for a while, and they ate each.

"I haven't eaten anything for a long time. I just have to forget the feeling that this food melts in my mouth." Joe Chu was so moved that he almost cried.

"There is nothing." Qiao Chu was not a smoker, although he said so, but his movements did not stop at all.

Nothing is just a slow taste. She has no pursuit of her appetite, but she is full of life. Now she has become a soul. Even the only need is gone. Naturally, there is not much interest, but her eyes are Thoughtful fell on the body of the Zongzong.

Nalan, who was sitting next to Zongzong, didn't move chopsticks. His eyes were like Zongzong.

They just seem to have ignored a point. As a new soul, the first time to step into the soul of the Soul House, the method of ordering the dishes, is it too familiar? It hardly looks at the menu and decides what you want to eat. Isn't it strange?

However, those who truly realized this problem were only the two innocent and Nalan, who exchanged a look with each other and saw the same suspicion in the eyes of the other party.

The Zong Zong, who was eating hard, suddenly moved his furry ears. He suddenly looked up from the food and looked at the stairs. He hadn’t waited for Joe Chu to figure out the situation, but Zong Zong suddenly Standing up, the limbs madly ran towards the window on the second floor.

"Hey! Bear fat man, what are you doing..." Joe Chu jumped up directly, but before he finished talking, Zong Zong Meng jumped and jumped directly from the window on the second floor.

Joe Chu was dumbfounded on the spot.

This kind of post-meal exercise is too rude.

Just as Zongzong jumped out of the window, several people appeared on the stairs on the second floor.

It is a group of people who share the same soul. All of them are men in their 20s and 30s, and there is a familiar figure.

"Master, you have to retreat for so long, you should come out and walk more, today I am doing east, you have a good meal." Meng Yiliang was diligently followed by a man in his thirties, and his smile was particularly flattering.

The man was innocent and had some impressions. When Meng Yiliang took the innocent to the 12th floor of the Ghost Tower, the man practiced there.

Jiang Yunlong walked on the second floor of the Soul Building under the diligence of Meng Yiliang. When he appeared, the two layers of the beasts looked at his eyes full of hostility. The original noisy second floor was quiet in an instant. .

Jiang Yunlong frowned slightly, looking at the sharp eyes of a few beasts, his eyes followed, and looked around, as if looking for something, but looking for a circle, but did not have his own goals, his eyes with A trace of doubt.

"Master, you sit first." Meng Yiliang smiled.

Jiang Yunlong sat down on the chair, but his eyes were still sweeping through the floor. The spirits of the beasts were tight, and they were holding their claws and licking Jiang Yunlong.

"No evil? Are you here too?" Meng Yiliang glanced at it, and the result was that he was innocent, and he immediately laughed, but when he saw Nalan, who was sitting opposite the innocent, his face The smile has solidified.

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