Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2043: Complex soul solid method 1

Nalan sighed, and even if Jun said nothing, he still felt uncomfortable.八?一中文?网?W(一)W?W. 81ZW. COM

"Don't say this, the construction of the fourth ghost tower has suddenly started to increase. In this case, have you seen it before?" Jun Wuji said that he was looking for Nalan's main purpose.

Nalan’s face was astonished. He shook his head. “No, the construction of the previous three ghost towers has been continuous since the beginning. Only the fourth ghost tower delayed the construction in the middle. Because the Zongzong was arrested."

Jun is innocent: "I suspect that Wu Ji may have to act."

"What do you mean?"

"If you build the fourth ghost tower, you don't need a spiritual bear. Then why did he suddenly delay the construction of the fourth ghost tower after the disappearance of the spiritual bear? He suddenly accelerated, but the Zongzong did not catch him. Going back, there must be other reasons for this, so that he has to add." Jun has no intention to open the way, she thought about it for a long time, but because of the unfamiliarity with the ghost world, let the innocence in many need to make inferences. The place is stuck.

"This..." Nalan also fell into meditation. With his understanding of Wu Jiu, Wu Jiu will never change the original plan without any reason, but Wu Jiu will do nothing, he will not be able to do it for a while. Judge.

"We are here this time. First, look at your situation. Secondly, we want to enter the fourth ghost tower to see the situation. Nowadays, the ghost tower suddenly needs a lot of people, so it is a good opportunity for exploration." Jun is innocent.

Nalan also had some worries, but she didn't have much to say when she was so obsessed with it. It was just that she must be careful when she is not guilty. If the situation is not right, she must leave immediately and not stay too long.

The construction of the fourth ghost tower needs to be mentioned. This requirement must also increase the number of souls. Without any effort, they passed the assessment and entered the construction site of the fourth ghost tower.

They are innocent and they have been joined by a man. They are arranged in a place full of masonry. From the size of the masonry, the ghost tower is made of these bricks. The stone was built, but compared with the masonry on the ghost tower, the stones were smooth and flat, and it was obvious that there was no engraving.

"What you need to do is follow the symbols above, one by one on these stones, in order." The person in charge told the new souls that the task of building a ghost tower may not require too many people. Soul, but every piece of masonry needs to be engraved with the corresponding mantra. This is extremely time-consuming. The mantra engraved on the masonry must be hand-cut and cannot be replaced by the way any soul power is transformed.

The engraved tool is an awl, and each soul is divided into one. The mantra that needs to be engraved is also assigned to the hands of everyone.

When Jun Nothing got the awl, I felt a strange look. She noticed a faint soul power on this little awl, and the power of this soul is not as stable as the illusion. It is somewhat active.

After the person in charge finished the account, he left. The other people’s souls picked up the bricks quickly and began to sit on the ground and slowly carved out the scripts that they had assigned.

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