Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2052: Chaos in the ghost world 7

Wu Jiu took a look at Yanlong and they left with Jiang Yunlong. Bayi Chinese Network??W≥W≈W≤. =81ZW. COM

"Master, are we leaving?" Jiang Yunlong whispered in Wu Er's ear, and Wu Ji and Yan Long had their contact, and Jiang Yunlong could not believe it for a short time.

"It's enough." Wu Jiu's eyes flashed a bit of a vicious smile. His eyes were not traced to the beasts who stood not far from the Dragon's lair.

Regardless of whether Yanlong believes him or not, they will certainly ask the spiritual master for proof. As a result of the testimony, no one knows better than Wu Jiu, and what he said outside the Yanlong lair today, I believe that it will not take long. It will spread to the three major souls, even if they want to hide, they are afraid to hide.

Wu Jiu mouth corner with a hint of cold smile, slowly from the Yanlong in their sights.

Until, the figure of Wu Jiu disappeared completely into the line of sight, and Yan Long looked down and looked at the sword and poison ivy.

Poison Ivy didn't open her mouth from beginning to end, as if today's conversation had nothing to do with him. If I don't know that Muling's character is so weird, Poison Ivy is so temperament, I am afraid it will make people feel strange.

"I went to the spiritual master today to verify that the words of Wu Jiu are true." The tone of the soul sword is arrogant, and it seems to be extremely concerned about the ghost tower.

Yanlong nodded and said that he would go to the spiritual master as soon as possible to verify the sorcerer's sword.

"Would you like to come in and sit down?" Yan Long looked at the poison vine. Although they were not friends, they still had some friendship.

The eye of the poison ivy rose slightly, looking up at the huge dragon.

"You shouldn't choose to talk to Wu Ji here." Poison Ivy was finally open.

"Oh? Is there anything wrong with it?" Yan Long did not know why he looked at poison ivy.

Poisonous vines licked the lips. "The wisdom of the beasts has been opened up a lot, but it is still very slow. With your brain, sooner or later, you will be killed by Wu Jiu." The voice of the poison vine is full of strong disgust. .

Yanlong has long been accustomed to the poisonous vine, but he does not feel any dissatisfaction. Instead, he is more concerned about the meaning of the poisonous rattan.

"Wu Jiufang said, is there anything weird?" Yan Long asked.

Poison Ivy shook his head.

"He is telling the truth. I believe that what he said today is not a fake. The fourth ghost tower is the thing that the spiritual master asked him to build. It must be true. Otherwise, he will not be wise. You can trust him. But still have to move out of the name of the spirit owner."

"Since it is true, what is wrong with it?" Yan Long is more confused, and now he can't understand what the poison ivy is saying.

Poison vine stood up, removed the vines, and looked at Yanlong silently. His eyes slowly looked behind Yanlong.

The dragon is not clear, so he turns his head. He is in a hurry. On the hill near his nest, the eyes of several beasts are showing a look of joy. The ear of the beast is very good, and the conversation between them and their witches is also Did not deliberately use the soul to isolate the outside world, so every word that Wu Cai and Jiu said to Yan Long fell into the ears of those beasts!

Yanlong glimpsed a little, it faintly noticed something wrong, but for a while, but did not know what went wrong.

"On the other side of the spirit, I will not go to the testimony. As a long-awaited advice, you better not to go to the testimony, not to prove better than the proof." Poison I left this sentence and left.

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