Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2056: The third ring spirit 1

The slender vines wrap around the man's wrist, and the purple flowers are dotted on the vines. On the handsome and fascinating face, it reveals this surprise and surprise. In August 1st, the text network W ≤ W ≠ W ≥. ≈81ZW. COM

"Poison... Poison vine?" Joe Chu blinked and looked at the man who came out of the light incredulously. The man was not a stranger. It was Qiao Chu who entered the ghost world and met the poison vine outside the forest!

How did the poison ivy emerge from the chest of the little evil spirit?

Qiao Chu and others were a little dumbfounded.

When the light broke away from the body, the innocent discomfort disappeared in an instant. Her face was still pale, but she still had no patience before. She sat up in her arms without medicine and looked at the poisonous rattan with doubts.

"You..." Poison Ivy looked at the innocent, but above the calm face, it was full of entanglement.

Jun Wuxie looked at the poison vine, his eyes were also somewhat tangled.

Poisonous vine took a deep breath, his eyes closed slightly, and then opened, in the eyes of Qiao Chu, their poisonous vines suddenly slammed on the knees, looking at the innocent mouth: "Poison vines have seen the master."

On the side of "Master!!!", Qiao Chu had an incredible scream. He pulled his cheeks in his hands and looked at the poison ivy with a look of horror.


What did he hear?

Poisonous vines are called Jun Wuji... Master?

Isn't this the name of Xiao Bailian and Poppy?

How is poisonous vine also...

An astonishing thought was formed in the mind of Qiao Chu. He had a pair of eyes and a big boss. His eyes were swept away from the innocent and poisonous vines, and he looked like a ghost.

"Things...should it not be what I imagined?" Joe Chu twitched, his distorted gaze looking at the flowerbed standing beside him.

The face of the flower bud was also a sloppy look. His tangled eyes were locked on the poison vine. After hesitating for a long time, he looked at Qiao Chu: "I guess, you should be right."

Qiao Chu has collapsed!

There is a trace of strangeness in the eyes of the innocent. Since the seeds of the soul tree have entered the body, and after the fusion of the dragons, she has learned from the mouth of the unmedicated, that she will not have only one ring, and the emergence of poppies. It also confirmed the inference of Jun.

Jun Wuxie has already prepared for the arrival of more martial arts, but...

Why didn’t she think that after the poppy, the ring spirit associated with herself would be... poison ivy? !

"You are my ring spirit?" Jun was insane and was shocked by the facts in front of her. She knew that her future ring spirit must also be a plant system, but... poison ivy... she suddenly had some unimaginable.

Poison Ivy stood up and looked at Jun innocently. In fact, he did not think that he would become a spirit of no evil spirits. After all, isn’t there a little white lotus?

"Yes, my master." The tone of the poisonous vine has returned to calmness. The spirit of the ring is extremely clear about its own belongings. Even though the heart is full of surprises, the poisonous vine cannot ignore the spiritual connection between himself and the innocent.

This girl in front of her is his master.

"I feel that I need to be calm and calm." Qiao Chu supported the flower's shoulder and looked at the chest with a frightened look. Rao guessed the result, but the poisonous rat said it, but he still felt incredible.

Poisonous vines can be regarded as the only wood spirit they have contacted in the ghost world. As a result, it has become the third spirit of the innocent!

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