Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2068: Bully ancestors 1

Jiang Yunlong's footsteps were slightly swayed, turning to look at the girl who passed by himself, and another person standing on his side touched his chin and said: "I didn't expect that there are such beautiful gimmicks in our souls. Oh, it’s really a bad thing. Bayi Chinese Network W?W (a) W?.81ZW.COM"

That person is also a disciple of Wu Jiu, who is a soul of cultivation on the 12th floor with Jiang Yunlong.

Jiang Yunlong retracted his gaze and did not agree with the licking of his lips.

"Now, when you appreciate the beauty, there are still three days. It is the time that Master agreed with Nalan. We must make sure that the situation is going smoothly, otherwise the Master will blame it, and you and I will not be able to escape."

Jiang Yunlong has not much thought on beauty, and he is more enthusiastic about strength and power than beauty.

"Yes, Master." The man was told to teach, and quickly picked up the coveted color, and honestly followed Jiang Yunlong to the 12th floor.

The place where Wu Jiu and Nalan玥 agreed to meet was just outside the first ghost tower. Before that, Jiang Yunlong needed to re-examine whether the ghost tower was abnormal, and the people who were practicing in the ghost tower and waiting outside. People, the first ghost tower will be temporarily closed after three days.

Jiang Yunlong and the brothers and sisters checked a circle, and there was no abnormality. This was the peace of mind, and he was told to Wu Ji at this time.

Wu Jiu was sitting in the yard and tasting wine. He heard Jiang Yunlong’s report, and he nodded with satisfaction.

"Master, are you sure that Nalan will come after three days?" Jiang Yunlong said.

"His temper, how many years have not changed, know that the spirit is in my hands, he does not dare not come." Wu Jiu smacked his lips, a bad smile bloomed on his face, underarms, forced the same door, In his eyes, it seems to be the case, of course, there is no half-drink and ambiguity.

"The soul sword has been urged again. The disciple has already calmed it according to Master's words. I think it is like that. I am afraid that it will not wait for a long time." Jiang Yunlong said.

The automaton has escaped the ownership of the fourth ghost tower, and the soul sword often urged Wu Ji to complete the transformation of the ghost tower as soon as possible, so that the spirit can enter the tower to practice as soon as possible.

"Reassure, as long as you catch Nalan, it will take a long time for the bear to come to the door. The soul sword is so anxious, but it also wants to enter the ghost tower itself, arrogant and arrogant. A leader is also ridiculous." Wu Jiu did not agree with the opening, the mouth is full of disdain for the soul sword.

"It also thought that it is invincible in the world. If the totem on its sword front is harmful to the soul, the position of this spiritual leader is also not allowed to sit." Jiang Yunlong met.

Wu Jiu shrugged.

"If you go, if it is not, there is no current situation. Yanlong and poisonous vine are very smart. Don't go to the spiritual master to prove. If it is not stupid, my plan is afraid that it will not progress. So smooth."

A stupid person can do it for him.

Jiang Yunlong nodded.

"Go, let's arrange the things after three days, you can have a good time to meet your uncle, don't be rude." Wu Jiu set up his hand, Jiang Yunlong immediately retreated.

After drinking a small wine, Wu Jiu felt boring and got up and went to the dungeon.

In the dungeon, the spirits were trapped by four chains, and when they heard the footsteps, the spirits looked up slightly and saw a trace of disgust on the face of Wu Jiujun.

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