Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2070: Bully ancestors 3

The three-day time was fleeting. On this day, the first ghost tower was closed. Outside the ghost tower, many soul bodies were gathered. The soul of Jiang Yunlong was surrounded by Wu Jiu sitting in a mahogany chair. Bayi Chinese W≠W≈W≥. ≠8=1≤Z≥W≥. =C≤O≥M

The soul sword is guarded by a number of spirits. Wu Jiu said that the appearance of Nalan is related to whether the fourth ghost tower can be completely built. It is naturally not a moment to wait. The spirit came to the crowd.

The slightly strange, but the animal spirits, had been robbed of the ownership of the fourth ghost tower by the spirit, the beast spirit and the instrumental spirit are now in the same position, the power is not the same, it is reasonable to say that today's things have nothing to do with the beast But I don't know why, but the first ghost tower has gathered a large number of beast spirits. They don't enter, just stand outside and watch, which makes the spirit brought by the soul sword very uncomfortable.

Because of the victory of the competition, let the spirits exalted in front of the beast, and now there is a sense of superiority.

The spirits of the beasts silently, seemingly did not notice the arrogance and contempt of the spirits, just gathered together, whispering, as for what to say, it is not clear.

Wu Jiu slowly took a sip of tea and looked at the time. He waved at Jiang Yunlong, and Jiang Yunlong immediately retreated to the rear. From an iron cage, the sorcerer with both hands and feet tied by the iron rope was pulled. come out.

The sound of the slamming iron lock hitting the ground echoed outside the first ghost tower. The wolf-filled spirits had already lost the calm and refined style of the past. Like the animals, they were pulled by the ghosts of Yun Yunlong and others. In front of the open space.

Jiang Yunlong had no respect, and he pushed the spirits to the ground. The spirits fell to the ground and did not speak. The quiet eyes swept through the many souls onloo.

The appearance of the spirits attracted the attention of many souls. Some of them were not brought by Wu Jiu, but they were watching the opera here. Suddenly they saw such awkward spirits, and many people did not react.

There have been rumors that the spirits were caught by Wu Jiu, but many people are not sure about the authenticity of this matter. Until the moment they saw the spirit, they realized that the rumors were true!

"Is the spirit teacher really caught?"

"Just kidding... Isn’t the master a master of Wu Jiu?"

"what happened?"

"Is the spiritist really doing the collusion with the evil emperor?"

For a time, there were many discussions in the soul of the people. Wu Jiu gave the spiritual master a ridiculous name. It only said that when the evil emperor entered the ghost world, he had colluded with the spiritual master, and the self-devil fell, and the spirit teacher abolished himself. It is because of the loss of the evil emperor's dependence that it will be rejected by the spiritual master. The reason why the abdication was abolished was not a rumor.

The evil emperor left a huge shadow in the ghost world. Even if he did not open the killing ring, he still brought a huge panic to the soul of the stable day. Even when he mentioned the evil emperor, the souls were also trembled. I have a heart.

In the ear of the spiritual master, he was stunned and questioned. He was once highly respected. He was once risked. Today, he was easily discredited by Wu Jiu. He even lost his desire to explain himself. He is just a straightforward one. Sitting on the ground, closing your eyes, not looking at the eyes of accusations and resentments.

Wu Jiu smiled and looked at this scene. He looked at the spiritual master who used to be the leader of the human soul. He became the object of everyone's jealousy. He laughed extremely badly.

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