Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2072: Unpredictable 2

Nalan 玥 questioned the sorrow and sorrow, and still the sorcerer reached out to help him, but also did not move. This scene is to let the spirits come from the grief and regret it. Eight? One Chinese?? Network W ≤ W ≈ W =. ≤8≈1ZW. COM

"It's all for the teacher's fault, for the teacher to be a teacher, there are so many years of strength, but the people are unclear, mistakenly treat the evil tiger as a confidant, it is wrong for the teacher. You should not come, should not come... ..." The voice of the spirit teacher is shaking, not fear, but self-blame.

He hates his incompetence, hates that he has no eyes, not only put himself in a shackled place, but also tired of Nalan.

Nalan swayed and shook her head.

"When you are a teacher, it is my greatest pride of Nalan, I don't regret it."

The mentor and the apprentice both looked at the tears, so they were not tragic.

Among the people on the sidelines, there are also many people who feel sad. They have some unbelievers that they will do the same thing to sell the country. Now it is even more impossible.

"Master and the younger brother are really close to the teacher and the teacher. I can't help but look at it. But the two words can be finished?" Wu Jiu looked at the moment and finally interrupted the conversation between Nalan and the spiritual master.

Nalan’s eyebrows were cold, and the cold eyes swept over Wu Jiu, and the eyes were full of hatred.

"Wu Jiu, you are bullying the ancestors and doing things like this, you are not a person!"

Wu Jiu smiled and said: "Isn't it human? Oh, I was not a human being. I am a human soul. Isn't it true that you and Master are human?"

Nalan 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥

"Don't look at me like this, I haven't hurt Master a little. Today, when you come to the appointment, I will naturally let Master and his old man, and let him send him back to the mountains and let him continue to live in seclusion. You don't need to hate me like this. The reason why I do this is because of you. If you don't insist on hiding, I don't want to make a decision. Even the old man is suffering from this old man. After all, Nalan, this It’s all your fault!” Wu Ji’s vicious opening, he looked at Nalan’s eyes with half squinting, his eyes were as bad as the poisonous juice.

Nalan was so angry that she was shaken, but she was guided by Wu Jiu’s words. He felt that the spirits were implicated by himself, and with the words of Wu Jiu, they were even more self-blaming and suddenly had nothing to say.

Linger saw Nalan玥 misled by Wu Jiu, took a deep breath and took Nalan’s hand: “This is not what you are wrong. What you do, the teacher supports you. The fault is Wu Jiu. If it is not his heart, how can he do such a devastating thing?"

Wu Jiu smiled: "Master is really eccentric. It is obvious that you are implicated by the younger brother. How can you blame me? But after that, since the younger brother has already arrived, Master is free, and continue to go back to the mountains to live your seclusion. Isn't it better? You don't have to interfere in the ghost world. After all, you have done the same thing."

The sorcerer was stunned by the sorcerer's anger, and Nalan 玥 endured the filth of Wu Jiu against himself, but could not stand the insult of Wu Jiu on the sorcerer!

"Wu Jiu! I have never done such a thing at all. Why do you have to sue on his head? You want me to come, I have already come, this matter has nothing to do with Master. If you smear Master, I immediately On the spot, you have a lot of ways, I want to see how you can show it!” Nalan’s death was forced, and Wu’s face changed immediately.

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