Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2074: The face of the face is ecstasy

Nalan 看着 looked at Wu Jiu. August 1 Chinese W ≤ W ≤ W =. ≥8≠1≥Z≤W=. ≈C=OM

"Remember what you said."

"I remember clearly." Wu Jiu gave a light smile and gave Jiang Yunlong a look. Jiang Yunlong immediately ignored the wishes of Nalan, and buckled the chain of locks on Nalan's wrist.

"Uncle Nalan, please?" Jiang Yunlong proudly pushed the pusher.

Nalan glanced at him, but did not move half a step.

Jiang Yunlong is somewhat intolerant, and this darkness of Nalan’s reputation has fallen into the hands of his master. He is still pretending to be in the dungeon, waiting for the meal to be cleaned up before he can get rid of it.

"Hurry, don't delay everyone's time." Jiang Yunlong reached out with some impatience, and violently pushed the shoulders of Nalan.


A shouting sound of a bear shouted through the sky.

A few huge figures came out from the soul and rushed to the position where Nalan was!

Jiang Yunlong’s heart was shocked and he quickly opened the distance between Nalan and Nalan.

"Hey!" The huge brown bear was in front of Nalan, and the angry roar of Jiang Yunlong, who had retired from the emperor.

At the side of Nalan, the other four beasts with brown bears were surrounded by Nalan, posing a gesture of attack, apparently to protect Nalan's safety.

When Wu Jiu saw the brown bear, he stood up from the chair. The great joy was brewing in his eyes. His exuberant hands shook and stared at the roaring brown bear.

"Ha ha ha! Nalan, Nalan, look at how stupid you are, you think you can protect this animal's comprehensive, but did not expect this animal to value you like this, even a little bit unwilling to wait, this is Running to save you, I really laughed at me." Wu Jiu was really happy and broken. He thought he had caught Nalan, and wanted to force the bear out. It would take a few days to say less. When Lancome’s forefoot had just arrived, this spiritual bear actually sent it to the door. How could this be the same?

Nalan 玥 looked at the sudden appearance of the Zong Zong and the several beasts, but there was no surprise in his eyes. It seems that he had already known the result. Looking at the roaring Zongzong, Nalan 玥 lifted the chain of locked souls. The bound hands, touched the sect's head, and sighed: "Okay, don't hurt the scorpion."

The Zongzong calmed down under the touch of Nalan, and turned to look at Nalan玥, and it was really unruly.

Wu Jiu sneered and glanced at the strange beasts around him. "The friends of the beasts, you have to see clearly, this brown bear is your spiritual bear?"

It was learned that the patriarchs around Nalan was the object of Wu Ji’s arrest. All the beasts had brushed them and looked at them. I wished to see the caves in the Zongzong.

Brown fur, without the golden luster of the spiritual bear, although huge, but without the breath of the power of a powerful soul, many animal spirits shook their heads secretly, this is not their spiritual bears at all, their spiritual bears are not so weak.

The reaction of the beasts fell into the eyes of Wu Jiu, and the eyes of Wu Jiu showed their triumph.

The reason why he dared to be so motivated was because he determined that the spiritual bear that absorbed most of the soul power by the ghost tower could not show the posture that the spiritual bear should have. The current spiritual bear, in the eyes of others, is nothing but a Unremarkable brown bear beast.

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