Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2077: The face of the face is ecstasy 4

The double-skull snake and the giant python are attached to the roar of the yin and yang bears, and the deafening snoring makes the surrounding observers tremble. ??八一中文?W?W?W. 81ZW. COM

The beastly stunned and looked at the three beasts with at least eight strengths, one by one, and could barely believe it.

"That is... double skull snake? I... I know it... it wasn't so big before..." A beast actually recognized the double skull snake, but in its memory, the volume of the double skull snake Far from being half the size of today, the double-skull snake at that time was just the level of the five-level beast. How could it not be seen for many years... actually became so huge?

"That is the yin and yang bear... my God, what did it eat?" There are also beasts who recognize the yin and yang bears.

The same is the beast in the ghost world, the double-skull snakes naturally have old acquaintances, but their appearance today is completely different from the memory of the beasts.

Eight levels of beasts, looking at the entire ghost world can not find many, if the double skull snakes have such strength in the morning, I am afraid that all beasts will recognize them.

In fact, the double-skull snakes were not as powerful as they were when they first followed them, but along with the experience, Qiao Chu, while constantly strengthening themselves, also made the two-skull snakes more powerful. Up, especially during the period of the Tomb of the Evil Emperor, Jun had no medicine to make it easy, and even took them to take some miracle medicines that help the body grow, and put them in the mausoleum. The place has been cultivated for a long time, which makes the double-skull snakes grow like crazy fertilizers.

And a flower bud that is inseparable from the double-skull snakes, because of the ****, is not aware of the changes in the double-skull snake, as is the case with Qiao Chu and non-smoke.

Not only are the double-skull snakes growing up, but even the sacred spirits of Vladimir and Vatican continue to grow, but they have not noticed it.

What they have not noticed, but they are now being seen by the beasts. They were originally the beasts who watched the drama, and they were suddenly stunned by the amazing growth of the twin skull snakes.

Do not say that they have gone to the world to become a spirit, even if they can enter the ghost tower, I am afraid that there is no such change, state, in a few short time, you can sprint from the five-level beast To the eighth grade?

These three guys won’t be eating the medicine!

The three giant beasts show their strength in front of the same people without any cover, and today they are guarded by their masters, using the power accumulated by the experience, the guardians and their beliefs!

"It's you! It was really you who saved the brown bear and Nalan玥!" Jiang Yunlong recognized the three giant beasts at a glance, and the anger of his heart expanded.

"What about us? Isn't it enough to be desecrated at the beginning? Today we don't mind letting you be smashed again!" Qiao Chu's harsh opening, looked at Jiang Yunlong provocatively.

Jiang Yunlong can't wait to give this arrogant Zhang's stinky boy a live!

"Just no evil, what do you mean by this?" Wu Jiu noticed that something was wrong, half-squinting.

Jun no evil raised his eyebrows, almost arrogantly watching Wu Jiu.

"I said, I am coming to settle the account."

Wu Ji bites his teeth and irritates and laughs back: "Well, I want to see how you can settle with me. Don't even want to run one of you today!"

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