Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2079: The face of the face is ecstasy 6

Anger spread in the heart of a beast. They realized that they were all fooled by Wu Jiu. The excuses and lies before Wu Jiu now justify his shamelessness. The brown bears he wants to arrest are theirs. Spirit bear!



The anger of the beasts was provoked, they rushed into the battlefield, step by step toward their spiritual leaders, their mouths threatened to whisper, and the body tightened and made ready to attack. Bayi Chinese network W≈W≈W≥. ≤81ZW. COM

The souls of those who were surrounded by Zong Zong, who were scared by the angry eyes of the beast, did not possess the body. They stepped back step by step and did not dare to face the anger of the beast!

Wu Jiu’s face was ugly to the extreme. He couldn’t think of it anyway. The spirit bear that had already been hollowed out had the ability to fight, but the revealing of the spiritual bear completely pushed him to the abyss.

Wu Ji bites his teeth and looks at the huge number of beasts.

He realized that things are not right. Today is the best moment for him to design and capture Nalan. The beasts are defeated by the spirit in the battle of the fourth ghost tower. Even if they don’t blame Wu Jiu, they absolutely It is impossible to go here to see the play.

There are too many!

There are too many beasts!

According to common sense, it is absolutely impossible to have such a beast present today.

At first, Wu Jiu did not notice anything, but thought that the beast was really watching the lively.

But now I think that the emergence of a large number of beasts does not seem to be an accident. It is more like someone deliberately designing, just waiting for the moment when the bears reveal the true body, arousing the hatred in the heart of the beast!

Who planned this all?

Poison vine? Nalan? still is……

Wu Ji suddenly raised his eyes and looked at the girl who was not familiar.

Everything has always been in his control, until the emergence of the innocent, leading to the situation of out of control.

is her!

Innocent and fearless, looking back at Wu Jiu’s gaze, the slightly rounded corner of his mouth seems to be mocking the stupidity of Wu Jiu, and also confirms Wu Ji’s speculation.

This game is designed by Jun Wuxie, giving Wu Ji the most favorable counterattack!

Wu Jiu can no longer deceive the beast, and can no longer detain the spirit bear!

The anger and shock are intertwined in the mind of Wu Jiu. He can't think of dreams. He designs everything, and he will lose in the hands of the innocent!

"Wu Jiu, your strategy has been seen, what else can you argue?" There was a heavy voice in the sky.

Wu Jiu looked up and saw the huge dragon in the sky flying in the sky!

Yes, how can he not understand? Yan Long had some suspicions about him. Before he provoked the contradiction between the three major souls, Yan Long was also trying to avoid it. He was able to mobilize so many beasts to appear here, in addition to Yan Long, who else!

Yan Long, already joined forces with Jun Wuji!

"Sophistry? What do I need to be sophistry! The arrest of the spiritual bear is the meaning of the spirit. I am just obeying it. I wanted to make your beast less so worried, but you are not willing to appreciate it. It is no wonder that I am. "Wu Jiu sneered, not only did not have the fear of being exposed, but the more mad.

He bowed his head and looked at the sorcerer's sword on the side: "The soul sword, I have not completed the construction of the fourth ghost tower, you know why?"

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