Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2082: The face of the face is ecstasy 9

"..." Nalan's eyes widened, incredulously looking at the chain of locks that was easily opened, and the eyes were full of incredible.

That's it... it's open.

"Can you still move?" Jun has no intention of paying attention to Nalan's shock. Her eyes have already locked in the battlefield.

"Can! No evil... Thank you..." Nalan was excited.

Jun No Evil saw a drop of the chain of soul locks, and the corner of his mouth suddenly evoked a playful smile.

"Don't thank me, the skill of unlocking is taught by others. If you want to thank you, thank you for the idiot named Shen Yanxiao." After the sound of the innocent sound, it rushed directly into the battlefield.

Nalan had no time to think about who was "Shen Yan Xiao". When he saw the fierce battle, his eyes swept to the face of Wu Ji, who was proud of his mouth. He slammed his feet and rushed to Wu Jiu. !

"Wu Jiu!" Nalan sang high!

Wu Jiu raised his eyebrows and looked at Nalan, who was rushing to his face. He didn't take it easy.

"What? Do you want to take revenge?"

Nalan’s fists clenched and gnashed her teeth: “I am going to clean the door for Master today!”

"Let you rely on it? Also! Nalan, I advise you to know the time, you are never my opponent. If you are guilty, I can never be jealous, but if you insist on finding death, I will fulfill you!" Sneering and opening.

"No more nonsense! Today, you and me, there must be a death!" Nalan玥 did not want to drink the Wolverine nonsense again, and he immediately flew toward Wu Jiu.

Wu Jiu sneered aloud and directly took the attack of Nalan, the former brothers and brothers, but now they have to go to the point where they have to fight for you.

The chaos of the entire battlefield became a mess, and there were no onlookers around.

The tribal melee is unprecedentedly fierce.

The soul of the soul and the spirit of the instrument are absolutely necessary to stabilize the beast, and the beast is defeated by the beaten, but they hold the final bottom line, and they are desperate to keep the enemy out of the safe range of the bear, and refuse to retreat. step!

A beast spirit turned into a glimpse of blue smoke disappearing in the sorrow, and their companions were too late to feel sad for their disappearance, and they were covered by enemies that constantly came from.

Zong Zong was uneasy and roared, watching his own family disappear in order to protect themselves, and it was extremely anxious.


Yes, the soul does not die, only disappears.

At the moment of physical death, they turn into souls, or reincarnate, or come to the ghost world to survive in a soulful manner.

But at the moment when the soul flies, they completely lose the trace of existence.

Without blood, without dead bodies, leaving the world familiar with them silently, it will never happen again forever.

Disappearing is a more terrible word than death.

This disappearance is doomed to be forever with the rest of the world!

"Let me go out! I can kill them!" Zong Zong tried to drive away the cheetahs several times, but the cheetahs kept their hind legs with their claws.

"You can't go!"

"Why not? My family is fighting for me. Do you want me to hide behind like a tortoise and sneak out? I refuse!" Zongzong’s angry martyrdom.

The cheetah clung to its hind legs, with a tone of pleading:

"You can't go. If we look at your loss, it is more painful than killing us. Their sacrifice is for your safety. Don't let their sacrifice become a joke!"

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