Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2086: The face of the face is ecstasy 13

Seeing Qiao Chu, Hua Yan, they started the big kill special kill mode, those people only want to cry. Bayi Chinese network W≈W≈W≥. ≤81ZW. COM

How is this going? A group of strong souls, against a few enchanting level of the strong ... ... even if the wheel battle, there are other beasts in the sidelines, this is forced to be stunned!

There were still some quantitative advantages, but with the addition of the wood spirits, the souls suddenly felt that the situation was not good, the fighting power of the spirit was not weak, but the body size was basically small, and the body of the double-skull snake was restrained. The natural enemies of the spirits, the bones of the hard and incomparable bones, can not be cut down by a sharp blade, and a large number of bones are gathered around a double-skull snake, attracting a large wave of war.

Van Gogh is one of the six people, the only one who possesses the spirit of the spirit. The broken sword in his hand is the opposite of the enemy. Any instrument that wants to fight against it will eventually end up being cut off.

Coupled with the bronze spirit of the bronze body, just a few of them, they have already paid a lot of attention, and can support the number of souls.

The mental thinking ability is not too strong, and basically it is a rib, aiming at a target without knocking down, so that more and more spirits are attracted to the past, and they can not knock down at all. His own goal, even with it, was divided into combat power.

The soul of the soul sees the spirit of the unspoken look, one by one can not wait to marry the mother, but their current situation is not allowed to tear their faces and the spirit of the body, can only secretly smash a group of pig-like teammates, while resisting the counterattack of the beast.

In fact, compared to the spirit of the instrument, the beast is more suitable to be a comrade, this is the voice of all souls!

No, they have no choices.

Wu Jiu was obstructed by Nalan, and could not enter the main battlefield.

Nalan's strength is fundamentally inferior to Wu Jiu, but this time, Nalan's heart is full of hatred, fighting with the determination to fight a deadly battle, every move of his attack is without any defense. Even if the body has been bruised by Wu Jiu, the anger in his eyes has not been extinguished, but the more crazy the attack under the stimulation of pain.

A person who is not alive, and a person who has a scruples, have a huge difference in mentality.

"Nalan, you really don't know how to live and die! I have been with you for many years, and I have been in love for a long time. You still don't know what to do. If you really want me to kill you, you can't!" Wu Jiu was gradually forced out by Nalan, he The haze in the eyes is getting stronger and stronger. He doesn't bother to spend more time on Nalan's idiots, but he is stopped by Nalan, and he can't let go.

"Put up your swindle lies, Wu Jiu, I already know who you are, your words, I will not believe a word, you do the things that bully the ancestors, I will not spare you today. Today, I am not killing you, you are killing me, there is no third possibility!" Nalan's body is covered with scars, even if he is no match for Wu Jiu, he will never give up half a step, not to mention him. The hatred between Wu and Nine, the situation today does not allow him to let Wu Ji enter the battlefield.

The strength of Wu Jiu has almost surpassed the spirit of the peak of the year. If Wu Ji appeared on the battlefield, I wonder how many kills will be created!

"I am stubborn! Then I will fulfill you!" The opening of the Wuyin yin's mouth suddenly surrounded the soul of the whole body suddenly expanded!

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