Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2098: The face of the face is ecstasy 25

"Take my master out!" The two disciples gritted their teeth and watched the innocent, all the way to run, he looked a little embarrassed. August 1st? Chinese?? W (a) W?W?. ?8?1ZW. COM

The beasts of the beasts are looking at the innocent, and this is what happened suddenly. In the hands of the innocent, it is actually the soul teacher Wu Jiu! !

Wu Jiu has now fallen into a semi-conscious coma. Jun is indifferent to the beasts, but it is quite simple and rude to him. Wu Jiu has been seriously injured and has smashed the foot of the innocent and powerful. It was groggy and I couldn’t even say anything.

The beasts who did not go to the Ghost Tower were completely dumbfounded. How did they feel that they were not right when they saw the situation? Many of their fellows were hurt, and the soul of the people came from the air. The innocent hands still stalked the soul teacher Wu Jiu do you seem to have something big to be born?

Before the dragon fell in front of the beasts, the beasts on the back were put down one by one. Its huge body was like a hill, blocking the vicious eyes of the two disciples looking at the innocent.

"This is the place of the beast, and you can't let it go."

"Yan Long, are you going to tear your face with us?" The two disciples glared at Yanlong Road.

Yan Long did not show weakness. "You can both catch the mysterious bears, and the Chinese will not have to be polite with you."

When Yan Long’s words were exported, the beasts who couldn’t figure out the situation immediately realized the seriousness of the matter!

The soul of the soul caught their spiritual bear?

Many of the beasts brushed their eyes and looked at the dark gold figure in the herd, and the stunned color was revealed in each of them.

Spirit bear!

Really a spiritual bear!

The two disciples were upset in their hearts and worried about the safety of Wu Jiu.

But the animal spirits who have returned to the taste, immediately realized that this group of people in front of the soul is very likely to be unfavorable to the bears, even if they are not so clear about everything, but this alone is enough to let them come forward!


"This is the land of the beast, and does not welcome the entry of the soul!"

Nearly the beast spirit rushed to the side of Yanlong at the same time. A huge body of the beast would block them from the innocence, and the densely-filled beasts gathered more and more, flying in the sky. The beast spirit spread the news to the ear of every beast in the fastest way!

It’s a matter of spiritual bears. No animal spirit will stand by.

However, in a flash, thousands of beasts came out of the nest, and they rushed all the way to the side of Yanlong.

Within a few moments, the number of beasts reached an astonishing level.

Many beasts have formed an unbreakable wall in front of the soul, and more and more beasts are gathered on the stone mountains on both sides!

The two disciples stunned and looked at the beasts who arrived at the fastest speed. They watched the number of beasts more and more, even after they had passed their alliance with the spirits. At this moment, the fear spread in the hearts of the two disciples. Open.

The animal spirit has always been the ghost group with the largest number of ghosts. It has also been at the top of the food chain in the ghost world for a long time. It is definitely a fatal mistake to fight against the beast. Even the arrogant Wujiu does not dare to open up. Capture the spirit bears in order to avoid the frontal conflict with the beast.

The disciples of the two disciples are getting more and more ugly, and the beasts that are coming around can be seen everywhere. The pair of vigilant beasts, so that a group of people can no longer afford the arrogance of the talents, one by one, shrinking their shoulders and working hard toward the center, deep I am afraid that I will be swallowed up by those beasts!

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