Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2105: Spirit Master 2

The poisonous vines, like the last straw that crushed the camel, broke the last hope in their hearts. August 1st? Chinese?? W (a) W?W?. ?8?1ZW. COM

Jun no evil said nothing, with the fastest degree rushed back into the dragon's lair, took out the small awl carried with him, and quickly engraved a string of soul solid law at the side of Nalan.

"Little evil man... What are you doing?" Qiao Chu looked at the innocent, and did not understand that it was at this time, what is she still doing?

"We can't escape, Nalan can't be caught now, or he will die." Jun no evil face with the fastest degree engraved the last soul solid method, attached to this circle of soul solid method, but Hide a person's breath for a while, she only used it on people, but I don't know if it works on the soul, but now, she can only fight!

She promised Zong Zong that she would take care of Nalan, and she must not quit!

"What do we do now?" Hana frowned, and the show was completely out of their expectations.

They did not wait until the spirit of the punishment of Wu Jiu, but waited for such a result.

Jun no evil took a deep breath and looked at the gradual approaching light of the group, constantly searching for possible solutions.


She is not familiar enough with the ghost world, and she knows nothing about the spiritual master. The completely unfamiliar opponent has lost her more judgments.

The ice blue light stopped in front of the dragon's lair, slowly descending, and all the beasts around him worshipped the devout devout.

The creator of the ghost world, the spiritual master.

Poison vine's face is very unsightly.

From the light, a slender figure slowly came out, a handsome man appeared in front of the innocent, the man was tall, wearing a light blue robes, a silver-white long is very eye-catching, and The most amazing thing is the light gray eyes.

What appeared in front of them was the creation of the lord of the entire ghost world, the master of all souls!

The spiritual master has not yet opened, and a powerful pressure has shrouded the innocent of them. The strong sense of oppression almost made them lose their strength in an instant. Only the hard support can support the fall.

Poisonous vines are the worst, his face has become pale, and his tall body has been subjected to tremendous pressure and gradually smashed his back.

"Poison vine, why don't you see me?" The lord looked at the light gray scorpion of the poison vine with absolute pride.

The poisonous vine was shaken uncontrollably by his eyes. There seemed to be countless powers constantly hitting his body, so that he could not stand at all, and he slammed into the ground.

"Poisonous vines, see...the lord..." Every word, Poison Ivy is extremely difficult.

The spirit owner was satisfied with the sight removed from the body of the poison ivy. He half-squinted and looked at the innocent people who supported it.

"It's a bit of a skill. It's no wonder that the soul sorcerer can be defeated." The lord said.

However, in a simple sentence, it made the innocent people feel that the sense of oppression carried on them suddenly increased several times, and the legs seemed to be disconnected at any time.

"You are the spirit of the Lord?" Jun no evil to resist a huge sense of oppression, not humble looking at the man who ruled the entire ghost world.

"I am." The lord slightly picked up the lips.

"You know, what have you done?"

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