Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2107: Spirit Master 4

"Poison rattan, you are hard to protect yourself, still busy with nostalgia here. August 1 Chinese? Network W (eight) W (eight) W.81ZW.COM" two disciples flashed a trace of haze, he immediately turned his head to respect the spirit of the main road: "Revelation The spirit of the Lord, the poison vine is also involved."

The spirit of the Lord's eyes slightly picked up, his eyes swept over the poisonous vine, and the poison vine felt that his throat seemed to be uncomfortable by an invisible force.

"Take it back together."

"Yes!" The second disciple said nothing, immediately greeted his men and tied them up.

Poison vines simply don't let anyone touch them. They are forced to release the vines under the pressure of the spirits. They form a net made of vines in front of them.

"Bold! Poison Ivy, you want to rebel!" Two disciples shouted.

The poisonous vine does not look at the two disciples of the foxes and tigers. It is just a sloppy look at the lord, and the eyes are full of doubts and disbelief.

"The Lord, why are you doing this?"

The spirit owner looked at the poison ivy, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly opened his mouth: "Poison, what is it like in your heart?"

Poisonous vines hang down their eyes, painfully and entangled: "The spirit master created the ghost world, giving me a place to live in a soul, a benefactor that we can never replace in your heart, you are fair and strict, and kind and tolerant."

That is the impression of the spiritual master in the hearts of all souls. The poisonous vines are also the voices of other souls.

The spirit master suddenly smiled. He looked at the tangled expression of the poisonous rattan. He smiled cheerfully: "It turned out that I was so beautiful in your heart. I am really, very happy."

Seeing the smile of the spirit owner, the poisonous rattan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but before he came back, a strong pressure, but suddenly his consciousness was cut off!

Poisonous vines fell silently, and the vines that were blocked in front of the human soul also dispersed.

"It is such a great thing, then why not obey my instructions." The smile on the face of the lord faded, replaced by the chilling cold.

"Take them all away." The lord dropped such a sentence and turned away.

The beasts on the side were suppressed by the spirits, and they could only use unbelievable eyes to look at the strange spirits in front of them.

When did their spiritual master become so cruel?

The second disciple made a name, and the people who were arrogant and arrogant let the people under him bind them together and resist.

Under the gaze of countless beasts, a group of souls, so arrogant, will be bound by the innocent, and how many beasts want to rush to block, but they are not allowed to move.

It was not until the team of human souls disappeared into their sight, the spiritual pressure that covered them, and it dissipated.

"What the **** is this...what is it?" The beasts, standing up from the horror, they couldn’t understand at all, what happened to the scene just now.

What are their spiritual masters doing?

When the beasts were shocked at the original place, a black shadow was hidden in the dragon's lair. A pair of sharp eyes were looking through the darkness and watching everything outside. The shadows quietly stepped back. Looking at Nalanyu, who was protected by two circles of souls, it is clear that the innocent soul has played a role, and the spirit has not existed in Nalan.

When the other beasts did not pay attention, the little black shadow quickly smashed out of the dragon's lair and rushed toward its destination as quickly as possible.

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