Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2113: Secrets of the ghost world 3

From then on, what appeared in front of all the souls was no longer him, but the counterfeit goods. ?? Bayi? Chinese network W (eight) W? W?. ?8?1?ZW. COM

After listening to all this quietly, I was shocked to see the real spiritual master in front of him. In combination with his words, the questioning of poison ivy and her doubts were instantly solved!

It is no wonder that the spirits will change their temperament in such a short period of time. It is no wonder that he will be so partial to the soul and witch nine. It turns out that he is not a real spiritual master, but a pretender!

All the problems were solved, and the previous doubts disappeared.

"Wu Jiu has a big chess game." Rao is innocent and has to admire the thoughts of Wu Jiu. According to Nalan, Wu Ji is at the side of the spirits and has been there for two thousand years. In the first thousand years before the position of the soul teacher was replaced, he was able to pretend to be so clever, and he was not aware of his nature by the spirits, but even after taking over the position of the soul teacher. It took nine hundred years to confuse the spirit, and let the spirits relax their vigilance, and then take it down!

The circle bans the spirit, this crazy thing, except for Wu Jiu, I am afraid that no one can do it!

"Yeah, I was blinded by him, but he was." The lord smiled bitterly.

"What exactly does he want to do?" The more innocent and the more doubtful, the lord is the master of the spiritual body, even if Wu Ji has that mind, but where did he find a substitute that is comparable to the spirit of the spirit? ?

I have personally experienced the power of the counterfeit goods. I don’t think it’s just a superficial disguise.

"He wants to do one thing, destroying the Three Realms." The spirit's eyes narrowed slightly.

"What?" Jun no evil eyes widened.

"The Three Realms are, the Lower Three Realms, the Middle Three Realms and the Upper Three Realms. Although the ghost world is owned by the Central Three Realms, I myself come from the Upper Three Realms. I was born from the Soul Tree. Before I built the ghost world, I was in the Upper Three Realms. Wandering for a long time, more or less knowing some things about the Three Realms, the Upper Three Realms, from a long time ago, they were planning a terrible conspiracy, they wanted to sacrifice all the creatures in the Three Realms and send themselves to no one. The realm that has been reached, that is, what Wu Jifang said... broken the void."

"Sacrifice... Three Realms?" Jun has no eyes and eyes, and the things the lord said are really terrible!

"Yes, the true meaning of the ghost tower is not the other, but the energy totem. It is the totem that builds the sacrifice law. The upper three circles want to use the three spheres as the link and connect the forces of the three worlds to achieve the purpose of sacrifice. When I first knew this, I only thought it was a joke. Who can do this? Sacrifice the Three Realms, how many lives will be sacrificed? I didn’t believe it until the construction of the Ghost Tower, I realized, The plan of the Upper Three Realms really has to start..." The eyes of the Spirit Lord are closed, and the disaster of such destruction is not something that ordinary people can imagine.

Once the sacrificial squad is completed, then the whole three worlds will be ruined. In addition to those who are involved in planning this matter, all the people, beasts, souls, and objects in the Three Realms will be the victims of this plan, and there will be no survival. Possible!

Unpredictable life, in exchange for a group of people to obtain the ultimate strength, these things, it sounds so incredible, but cruel and chilling!

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