Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2115: Hero saves beauty 1

"How about the counterfeit goods compared to your strength?" Jun continued innocently. ????? 中?文W?W?W?. (a) 8 (one) 1? Z (eight) W?. (8) C?O (eight) M

"..." He didn't want to answer at all...

"My soul strength has been greatly weakened at the time. If it is compared with before I was weak, it is still a little worse." The spirit master endured distress and tried to be calm.

Jun nodded with satisfaction and nodded.

"That's fine."

"No problem?" The more the lord did not understand, what medicine was sold in the innocent gourd.

Jun is not evil, but he is not talking about anything, but sitting in jail, and the spiritual master has said a lot. In addition to the conspiracy of the Three Realms in the Three Realms, there is one more point, so that Jun is not aware of it, that is the soul tree!

Jun had no medicine to plant the seeds of the soul tree in her body, and the spirit owner said that he was born out of the soul tree, then said... Is the soul tree in the upper three circles?

But why is the seed of the soul tree in the hands of the king?

Doubts increase in layers, which makes you feel incomprehensible.

Wu Jiu caught the innocent and other people in a very good mood. After he saw the detained Qiao Chu, they came out of the dungeon and went to see the "spiritual master."

However, Wu Ji’s forefoot had just left the dungeon, but a black shadow suddenly entered the dungeon. The guards on both sides of the dungeon did not realize what had happened, and they were suddenly covered by a black mist. It was unconscious when it fell to the ground.

"Small evil child thought about me?"

With a smile of laughter, it came from outside the cage, and the eyes of the gods who were closing their eyes were innocent, and they opened their eyes in amazement, and there was a surprise in the eyes that she had never noticed!

I saw a slender figure quietly standing outside the dungeon. Through the dim light, the extraordinary face of Zhang Junmei fell into the eyes of the innocent.

"It's too much. It's not too good. I am at home, but how come you come here? People who don't keep promises are guilty of punishment." Jun has no lazy smile on his mouth. The sloping chair is in front of the cell, and the enchanting purple eyes are full of smiles.

"No medicine." Jun Wuxie looked at Jun without medicine, and there was a smile in his eyes.

Jun no medicine between the iron railing in front of the point twice, the three-necked iron railings turned out to be directly disconnected!

At an elegant pace, Jun went to the cell without medicine, and walked down to the front of the innocent, and naturally grabbed the innocent little hand and saw the chain of locks on her wrist. His eyes flashed. A touch of unintentional killing.

"This thing is really... the eye is very ugly." Jun no medicine slightly squinted, holding the palm of the hand of the innocent hand suddenly raised a finger, gently stroke the chain of soul lock...

When the sound of the jingle sounded, the chain of locks on the wrist of the innocent wrist was broken, and it was directly on the ground.

At the moment when the lock soul chain was untied, Jun Wu felt that his hand seemed to have restored some soul power.

Jun has no medicine to raise his hand and understate the chain of soul locks on the innocent limbs. All the chains of locks are opened in an instant.

Regaining freedom, Jun immediately stood up.

Jun has no medicine and stood up.

"If you don't keep your promise, do you want to punish me?" Jun has no thoughts and looks at Jun without medicine. She has not forgotten the words of Jun.

Jun did not take a light smile, slightly bowed, picked up the silk on the side of the innocent face, smelled in front of the nose, the twins of the scorpion, slightly squatting.

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