Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2126: The king of the face is returned 9

But until today, when Jun had no medicine to take the shot, Poison and Yan Long realized that their own thoughts were so ridiculous...

Not far from each other?

What a joke!

Jun's strength without medicine has already reached the limit they can imagine!

The strength between the fake spirit and the spirit is almost the same, but in the face of the king without medicine, it has become a waste that has no power to fight back. Bayi? Chinese network W (a) W? W (eight). ?8?1 (one) ZW. COM

Yanlong and Poison Ivy immediately understood that this man who once unified the entire three realms was not powerful enough that they could imagine. It was the right choice when the original spirit decided to lead the entire ghost world to the heart of the evil spirits!

Fight against the big devils of these anti-day strengths?

That is not what it is to find death!

"Every time I see a drug-free big brother, there is a kind of unspeakable sourness." Qiao Chu touched his chin and stared at the unblemished back.

This is really powerful!

The absolute strength of the owner, in the true sense can kill the supreme existence of all the strong!

"In this life, if I have the power of one percent of the drug-free brother, I will be content with it." Non-smoke is on his chest, and the worship of the king without medicine is like a continuous stream of water.

The spirit sighed a little. He was among the whole ghosts. The only one who had never had a hand with Jun. It was natural to know that the man in front of him was powerful and could not be countered by a fake spirit.

At this moment, how desperate Wu and the fake spirits are, and how excited they are!

Jun has no intention to let go, and dare to imprison the innocent Wu Jiu and the fake spirit. His fingers are slightly hooked, and two black mists are instantly shot toward the fake spirit and Wu Jifei. Wrapped around their necks, they pulled them directly into the air.

"The evil emperor ... fortune..." Wu Jiu scared and cried, before they thought that they were innocent, they did not know how to live and die, they would come to death, but they did not expect to die!

Behind him, there is no such thing as a great demon king. In the middle of the three realms, where else is it, they are not allowed to go?

"Well?" Jun was lazy and swept the eyes of Wu Jiu, and the black mist that caught the neck of Wu Jiu tightened in an instant.

The soul does not need to breathe, and holding the throat does not make them feel any pain, but this is limited to others. When the black mist tightens, Wu Ji immediately feels a powerful force that is spreading from his neck. It’s like being slammed by lightning, and the pain almost makes him faint!

"Ah!" The fierce screams broke out from the air of Wu Jiu, and he was violently twitching in the air.

There is no physical restriction on the soul. If it is not severely damaged, it is difficult for them to lose consciousness. However, no medicine is just stuck at the critical point that makes them faint. They can withstand this great pain and ensure the consciousness is clear.

How can he let the people who are daring to hurt the evil spirits die easily?

Wu Jiu has not said anything, only painful mourning.

The situation of the fake spirit is not better than him. He has been hit by the drug without a drug, but his soul is stronger than Wu Jiu, so the damage that can be sustained is multiplied. Jun has no medicine, and he is not polite to him. The additional pain causes him to turn his fake face from white to purple, and even the painful mourning is released. Everything on his body seems to be burned by fire!

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