Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2135: Adjacent to the Three Realms 3

Cher looked at the lonely figure, and there was a trace of sadness and helplessness in the eyes, but soon, she converges on the abnormality of her eyes, her face raised a bright smile and walked toward the figure. ?八一中?文??W?W?W?. (8) 8?1?ZW. COM

The man stood still, motionless, and Xue walked to her side, and she did not react. She had a bronze mask on her face. The mask covered her entire face and only revealed a pair of light. Expected eyes.

"Sister, the days are really good, I never thought about it, we can live like this. This year is the happiest time of my life." Cher as the woman looks into the distance, the round face is red Dan's, like a red apple.

The woman with the mask turned her head slightly and looked at the smiling snow and nodded slightly.

Cher smiled and said: "Sister, do you say that your Highness is true? Is the benefactor really coming back?"

With a mask, the woman’s eyes flashed slightly, and the bright scorpions fell down.

"Since the night charm adult is said to be under the same temple, it should be true." Women's Road.

"It’s no wonder that the time of His Highness has kept us sorting out the branches. I want to come to my Highness to let the benefactors look at this reborn land?" Xue smiled and said.

Lingyao Hall up and down, will not move anything of the people, not only because of the strictness of the main hall of the Lingyao Temple, but also because each of them knows that all they have now come from.

It’s not them who destroyed the 12th house. These harvests shouldn’t be enjoyed by them. They are just agents of the agency. Even if the Lord of the Temple of Lingya has never said it, they are also very clear. All of this is just that I want to abandon this filthy pure land and still in the hands of that person.

This is not what they deserve.

Lingyao Temple has never regarded itself as the heir to the Twelve Temples. What they have been pursuing all the time is not the supreme right, but the free breathing.

"Yeah." The woman whispered, and the eyes still looked into the distance. This time, her eyes were a little bit more entangled and tangled.

It seems to be expecting, and it seems to be afraid of something.

Suddenly, between the heavens and the earth, two black spots appeared on the horizon, gradually magnifying in the sun.

The woman’s eyes were slightly enlarged and her breathing became a little short.

In an instant, three figures appeared on her side with Cher, and all three were dressed in black. It was the nightingale, the night and the night charm, and the three of them looked at the two gradually. Magnified black spots, tension and eagerness come to their eyes.

However, in a moment of stay, they were greeted by the two black shadows!

Cher nervously took the woman's hand and eagerly said: "Sister!! Sister! That is... that is..."

"She is back." The woman's eyes narrowed slightly, with a smile in her eyes.

Cher narrowed his eyes and looked at the two clear figures.

On the white horse, a beautiful girl and a handsome man walk side by side, the wind blew the length of the two, their figure seems to leave a piece of film in the past.

The three nightingers greeted them with great speed. At the moment when they met each other, the three men brushed their knees!

"The nightingale (night charm, night orphan) welcomes Sir Alex and Missy return!"

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