Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2139: Hidden totem 2

"The subordinates have already discussed with the main hall of the Lingyao Temple, and the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao continued to search in front of the forces near the Twelve Halls. Is there any other totems present? The place where the forty-eight totems are located is not without commonality. At all, the place where the totem is engraved is all the most embarrassing of the spiritual power. I think that maybe other totems will be in similar places. We have already set some targets and are going to check them one by one. ?W≈W≥W≠.≤8≈1≤Z≤W≥.=C≈O≈M≠” Night 煞道.

Jun nodded and nodded. Suddenly, she thought of one place.

"The most spiritual power? In the middle three circles, is it more powerful than the Fuyang Mountain spirit?" Fuyangshan has special significance with Junwu and Lingyao.

After the destruction of the Twelve Halls, all the members of the Lingyao Temple left the caves of Fuyangshan, and they did not go back again. But now they are said to be innocent, but let the nightingales suddenly think of this being owned by them. Where people ignore it.

Yes, if you say that you are full of spiritual power, then naturally it is the first to support the mountain.

"Have you ever been to the Fushan Mountain?" asked the innocent.

The nightingale shook his head.

"We haven't had time yet..."

It was only after searching for forty-eight totems buried in the Twelve Halls that they had spent all their time. Just yesterday they found the last totem in the Twelve Halls. Now all the branches and main halls of the Twelve Halls have been dug by them. When I opened the ground, I only found these forty-eight totems, no more.

"I want to go to the hill to help the mountain." Jun Wuxie looked at Jun without medicine.

"Well, I will accompany you." Jun nodded slightly.

According to the night, they are now forty-eight places where the totems are engraved. It is very possible to hide such places in the hills. It may be a surprise.

Now the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao is arranging the disciples under his command to find the whereabouts of other totems in the original scope of the 12th Hall. I wonder if they will have unexpected gains.

"Does there be any change in the Nine Palaces during this time?" Jun looked at the night charm. The plan of the 12th Summit was because of the appearance of the ancient shadows, except for the accident, although the emergence of no medicine reversed the whole situation. However, those who brought the ancient shadows are very likely to be one of the nine palaces. The people of the Lingxu Palace, if they have no medicine, say that they are all killed, but the Lingxu Palace cannot know their death.

Night Charm shook his head and said: "There is no abnormality. The Jiugong Palace is still as quiet as before. When Miss Dad and Sir Alex Ferguson just left, we are also worried about whether they will have an aspirational action, but there is nothing, even the Lingxu Palace. It’s surprisingly quiet there.”

There is a slight frown in the innocent, and I feel that something is wrong. The Jiugong has always been united. Unlike the twelve temples that are constantly in the house, the Jiugong has never had any disputes. This has allowed their strength to be kept on the 12th Hall.

However, during this time, the Nine Palaces were too calm. It can be said that in the past millennium, the Nine Palaces were quietly surprising. Even before the expansion of the Twelve Temples, they went to indifference. This change may be in the years. Not obvious, but if you think about it carefully, you will feel that the deposition of Jiugong seems to have started from the moment when the evil emperor "fallen."

Whether or not the ancient shadows appear in the Twelve Summit, since he can use the power of the Lingxu Palace, it indirectly proves that the Lingxu Palace has recognized the identity of the ancient shadow.

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