Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2141: Old acquaintance 2

Therefore, after Gu Xin’s waking, he did not see it with Jun, even though the ancient intention was not to die in the hands of the innocent, but the innocent at that time also had the heart of killing the ancients, but that blow was Gu Xin blocked it. August 1 Chinese? Network? W≠W=W≥. ≠8≈1≤Z≈W≤. ≠COM

In a sense, she is Gu Xin’s father-in-law, isn’t it?

Jun has never thought that Gu Xinyi would not hate her, nor did she care. The reason why she saved the ancients was because Gu Xin’s nature was not bad, and she had never done anything bad. That’s all.

Gu Xin’s eyes flashed a sigh of pain, and she took a sigh of relief and shook her head faintly.

"My father...not you kill, I don't hate you." Gu Xin groaned his chest for a burst of pain. He couldn't tell the unclear emotions spreading in his chest. She probably hated it, but she couldn't afford it, especially in the After the people of Lingyao Temple publicized the crimes of the Twelve Temples, Gu Xinyi did not know whether he wanted to hate.

Before, she was the big lady of the Bloody Temple. She was the arrogant woman who was held in the palm of her hand. She loved her in ancient times and worked hard to cultivate her. She wanted to train her into the next **** temple, but Because Gu Xin’s age is still small, and it’s a woman, the ancient intentions have intentionally or unintentionally avoided those things that are unspeakable, avoiding Gu Xin’s, and Gu Xin’s only vaguely know that his father might have done something bad. Things, but when all the charges were revealed, Gu Xinyi realized how terrible her father and the other temples of the 12th house were.


That is her father, how can she hate it?

After waking up, the father’s death was greeted by her, and the ancient elephant who killed her father...the brother in her heart.

The **** temple was ruined. She was mad at the beginning for some time, and her heart was filled with hate. The person of Lingyao Temple was saved because she was innocent, and she was embarrassed, and everything was treated with courtesy, even There is no restriction on her freedom.

That is, Gu Xinyi suffered the biggest blow in her life. She escaped from the branch of Lingyao Temple and fled back to the original city of the Bloody Palace. However, when she entered the familiar city. Everything in front of me is so familiar... but strange.

The people who were sincere and fearful began to show their smiles without any scruples. They still lived as they used to, and even more happy and happy.

Gu Xinyi took more than a month in the city. At that time, she clearly felt that the destruction of the **** temple brought joy to the people in the city...

She did not know that the people, so much hate their father.

Jun Wuxu looked at Gu Xinyi. From the clear scorpion of Gu Xin, she couldn’t see a little bit of illusion and a snake, as if everything was what Gu Xin’s heart thought.

"I came to see you today, not to come to talk to you, I just want to... thank you, save me." Gu Xin looked at the face of the change of the innocent, the young boy who was branded in his heart has gradually It became blurred, but the strange emotions were always in her heart, so that she could not hate the innocent.

Jun is indifferent: "The person who hurts you is me, you don't have to thank me. Where do you want to go in the future, no one will stop, you will always come to me to take revenge. There is no kindness between you and me."

The sound of the innocent is very light, but let Gu Xin tremble slightly, and the corner of his mouth involuntarily raised a bitter smile.

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