Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2159: Re-enforcement of the mountain 1

"I... is really a burden.?? Bayi? Chinese W≈W=W≤.=8=1≈Z=W≠.COM" Tianze's voice is hoarse, with a thick bitterness, once upon a time, that was The tall and mighty Tianze tutor in Yunxiao College has become this appearance? This pair of even his own, all disgusted.

The innocent eyes were drooping, but there was no opening to appease Tian Ze. She looked at Jun without a drug, nodded slightly, and went with her without medicine.

Tian Ze looked at the back of the two men, and the helplessness and helplessness that caused him to collapse completely. He was like a child, helpless and screaming on the ground. The snow on the side was extremely unbearable, and it was dark and tearful. I only felt so sad.

Tian Ze’s hoarse and mournful voice rang behind him, and he’s step by step, but he’s step by step.

Jun medicine came silently to her side and pulled up her cold little hand.

Is it not a kind of protection for Tianze that Jun’s innocent discourse on Tianze’s cruelty?

Walking out of the branch of Lingyao Temple, Jun did not hesitate without a little bit of medicine. He directly stalked Jun in his arms, and his toes gently touched the ground and instantly flew into the air.

The figure turned into a stream of light in the air, and the fast was never felt by the people in the city.



In the middle of the Three Realms, the most peaceful and peaceful place, but now, this place has completely changed.

No one knows why Yunxiao College will suddenly shut down, including those who have been dismissed. The Yunxiao Academy is particularly special in the middle three circles. Even if it does not belong to any party, it is the nine palaces and twelve temples. A place that must be respected.

But all this...

It has long since become unrecognizable.

Under the hills, there were some people dressed in Jiugong costumes. Those who controlled the entrance to the mountains, the people who originally lived under the hills could only detour.

A stream of light flashed past the sky in the hill, and the Jiugong disciples who were guarding the mountain did not notice it.

The streamer fell into the jungle from the air, because it was already at dusk, and the sky was getting darker, so it did not attract any attention at all.

Once again, Jun Wuji stepped on the grassland of Fuyang Mountain, but this time the mood is already worse than before.

In the mountains, as always, quiet, only the insects are called around the mountains.

Jun no evil half squinted, Jun Feifei flight is extremely fast, reaching Fuyangshan for only one and a half days, from Tianze said time, there are three days.

On the 3rd, this is the last chance for Jun Wu, she must hurry and find Suya!

A black shadow quietly came out of the jungle.

The figure of the night charm appeared in front of the innocent and the unmedicated.

"How?" Jun opened the door without medicine.

The night charm is kneeling on one knee and whispering: "The subordinates have already found out that today's Fuyangshan, the disciples all over the Jiugong, the Jiugong Palace have sent people to come, and sent a group of at least elders, but I have never seen the presence of the Jiugong Palace..."

The top and bottom of the Fuyang Mountain have been controlled by the Jiugong Palace. It is impossible to enter the mountain without the palace of the Jiugong. It is not only the disciples who are stationed in the Jiugong Palace under the mountain. Even the mountains and the dozens of teams are constantly searching around the top of the mountain. It was occupied by the Nine Palaces. The original Yunxiao College has already filled the disciples of the Nine Palaces.

“Can you find Suya?” Jun Noble asked immediately.

The night charm shook his head with some regrets.

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