Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2168: Nine Palace Secret History 1 Seeking a monthly ticket

"I have said that, I have already said, I think you have already understood the current situation. If you insist on this, I will not ask more. I will not talk to anyone today. No matter what you believe or not. In the case of Jiugong, the upper three circles are enemies and non-friends, we are just powerless. Eight? One Chinese network W=W≈W≤.≥8≥1ZW.COM" Su Jingyan smiles, if this is not the case, he is the elder of the Sirius Palace Speaking, I am afraid that no one can imagine that the nine palaces in the three realms of the epicenter will be so weak and weak.

"The calm before the Nine Palaces is because of the sake of the Upper Three Realms? Because of the blood sacrifice law?" Jun Wuxie suddenly asked.

Su Jingyan looked at the innocent and strange, he thought she was just to save people, but did not expect... she would know the existence of the blood sacrifice circle.

"Yes." Su Jingyan bit his teeth.

"In the last three bounds, we found a treasure, and built the totems needed for the squad in the middle three circles. We didn't know where the thing was at first, until the news came from the Lingxu Palace, which was within Yunxiao College. This is..."

Before the Nine Palaces, there was no malice against Yunxiao College until the news came, which brought a disaster to Yunxiao College.

"Lingxue Palace..." The eyes of the innocent are slightly picked up.

The little palace owner of the Lingxu Palace is not the birth mother of the shadow? The palace of the Emperor Palace is not the grandfather of the shadow?

In the meantime, the clues that once scattered in the mind of Jun’s innocence gradually became clear. According to the information provided by Tianze, the Yunxiao College was the first to be sneaked, that is, the night before the ancient shadow just left Yunxiao College, and then The news of the treasures at Yunxiao College was immediately transmitted from the Lingxu Palace. All of this seems to have proved that the news was first transmitted from the mouth of the ancient shadow!

Jun Wuxie fell into silence. This speculation stretched for too long. She also knew about the attack, and they solved a lot of killers with Qiao Chu. At that time, they did not think that it was a sign of the disaster of Yunxiao College...

"Nine palaces and the upper three circles are enemies and non-friends? This is not true." A sudden smile came from the door.

Su Jingyan was shocked and immediately watched.

However, this look, but let Su Jingyan's blood flow back to the flow!

The handsome man standing in front of the door has a pair of violet eyes. The **** thin lips evoke a sinuous arc. The eyes of the two enchanting eyes are clearly smiling, but Su Jingyan feels cold.

"Evil Emperor..." Su Jingyan couldn't believe her eyes.

Standing at the door is not the evil spirit of the evil domain that has fallen for thousands of years! !

He... is not already dead!

The huge shock shrouded in Su Jingyan's heart, and his heart seemed to jump out of the eyes.

Jun took medicine without a long leg, and walked to the side of the innocent, and put it on the back of the innocent chair. The smiling purple eyes fell on Su Jingyan's body.

"If I remember correctly, the nine palace owners of the Nine Palaces are not from the upper three circles?" The voice with a smile was very magnetic, but fell into Su Jingyan's ear, but he could not help but shake .

"The Lord of the Nine Palaces comes from the Upper Three Realms?" There was a strange surprise in the eyes of Jun. The news was really amazing.

Jun has no medicine and smirked: "In the past, the Three Realms started the Three Realms and the Middle Three Realms. In order to control the Central Three Realms, nine people were sent to build power in the Central Three Realms. The nine people are now the palace of the Nine Palaces."

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