Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2172: Soul of the World 1

he knows! He really knows it! Su Jingyan's cold sweat oozes from the forehead and understands that Jun has no medicine. He can't say more. Bayi Chinese network W≈W≈W≥. ≤81ZW. COM

The innocent eyes flashed a bit of suspicion, Su Jingyan had not finished talking, let her see what was happening, she turned to see Jun without medicine, but now the other party is also looking at him with a smile, in the purple In the blind, she saw her own reflection, surrounded by the smile of his eyes.

"Little evil child, what else do you want to ask?" Jun no medicine seems to be nothing to laugh at.

Jun looked at Su Jingyan and asked some more.

Su Jingyan is naturally aware of all the words.

As Junguez guessed, Suya was locked in the attic of the Imperial Soul Branch, but it was a few layers. He didn’t know that the thousand Jinling lived in the Imperial Soul Branch, day and night. Look at Suya.

Jun No Evil also asked Su Jingyan, the last three realms are what I want in the hands of the little old man, but this point, even Su Jingyan does not know, even, the real identity of the little old man, no one knows.

If it is said that the evil emperor appeared, it is very mysterious, then the president of Yunxiao College is not too much. He appeared in the middle three circles earlier than the palace of the Jiugong Palace. The Jiugong Palace owner was originally holding the purpose of occupying the middle three circles. However, the nine people joined forces, but they had a big loss in the hands of the little old man. They were beaten and beaten, and they didn’t have the power to fight back. It was because of the existence of the little old man that the Jiugong did not become a success. The hegemon of the Three Kingdoms.

The old man is who, and no one knows the answer. The only thing that is known is that the little old man seems to be deliberately guarding the middle three circles.

Hearing the strength of the little old man, Jun is really scared. One person is fighting against the nine Jinling... This strength is really against the sky. She thought that the little old man would be Jinling, but now it seems that it is not at all. Then one thing...

Asked everything he wanted to know, Jun Wuyan looked at Su Jingyan: "You can go."

Su Jingyan gave a slight glimpse. "Do you really want to let me go? Are you afraid that I will tell you the news of the Three Realms?"

Jun no evil said: "You will not."

Su Jingyan’s face showed a strange look, but he made a smirk in the blink of an eye. He raised his hand and touched the small hole on his neck that was cut by the sword in the night charm. The complicated scorpion fell on Jun. There is no medicine between evil and king.

"Thank you for your trust, there is nothing tonight tonight." After that, Su Jingyan turned and left.

The night charm asked to see that Jun had no medicine. Jun had no medicine but waved his hand. The night charm disappeared into the darkness and disappeared.

In the room, there are only two people who are innocent and have no medicine. Jun has no medicine and is very interested in the length of the innocence. It is not entangled, and the smooth feeling is lingering at the fingertips, making him fascinated.

Jun Wuxie looked at Jun without medicine, and the cold eyes looked more charming in the moonlight.

Jun was innocent but fell silent. She didn't seem to notice her gaze, just staring at her long look.

"No medicine." Jun Wuxie suddenly opened.

"Well?" Jun did not carelessly and casually responded.

"The blood sacrifices the three realms, the soul of the outside world that you need is you." Jun is no doubt but affirmation.

Jun's eyeless eyes flashed a smile.

Sure enough, nothing can hold her.

Su Jingyan’s words have already made Jun’s innocence aware of the anomaly.

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