Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2203: Jedi counterattack 5

Bach’s eyes watched the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao getting closer and closer to him. How familiar he was with the golden light that shrouded the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao, but now he can no longer use it on his own body. Once in Bach's heart soaring, the original arrogance disappeared at this moment without a trace, his face became white, and his body was tight. In August 1st, the text network W ≤ W ≠ W ≥. ≈81ZW. COM

He was turned around and looked at the Jiugong elders who had never shot.

"Which group of wastes are you going to watch this group of scams destroy our plans? Don't forget, this matter is the Lord's hand in your 9th house. It is your incompetence, and you have to send me to wait. If it weren't for us, just because of your years of work, I was afraid that I had already died a few hundred times!" In desperation, Bach actually wants to say that he is going to move the Nine Houses. This is the most disdainful of him.

The eyes of the elders of the Nine Palaces have changed slightly. In fact, they have long been disgusted with Bach’s powerlessness and arrogance. The reason why they have not made a shot is not to believe Bach’s ability, but to be unable to bear it. They are shot for the innocent.

Their conscience continually condemns them so that they can no longer move.

"You are still doing what you are doing! Don't kill this group of things! A bunch of useless waste!" Bach snarled with anger.

It was hard to say that the voice was insulting, and the faces of many disciples of the Jiugong were angry.

Before Bach, they kept saying that they were a group of dogs raised in the upper three circles. Nowadays, even if they are asking for help, they are also tall and high-spirited.

An elder of the Lingxu Palace was awkward, and Bach’s life and death did not care, but if the plan really failed, I was afraid that the anger of the Three Realms would not be affordable.

"The disciples of the Lingxu Palace listened to orders." The elders had some struggled openings, and many disciples of the Lingxu Palace cast incredible gaze at him at the moment of his opening.

They were so insulted, even in Bach’s eyes, even people couldn’t count, a dog, a waste, such a person, did their elders let them help them?

The elder was looked at by the incredible eyes of many disciples. How could he not know what his disciples thought, facing the shocked and resisting eyes, the elders followed up, and they seemed to be stuck in the blind. Similarly, he clenched his fists and seemed to suppress what was strong.

"You are still hesitating! If we are dead! You don't want to have a way to live!" Bach snarled.

The elders of the Lingxu Palace were slightly shocked and just ready to speak, but one hand suddenly fell on his shoulder, preventing him from making a decision to blurt out. He turned around in confusion, but the decision was made in a flash. He is sweating and his inner pressure is a pain that cannot be portrayed.

In a blink of an eye, the elders of the Lingxu Palace are now raising their hands and holding him, but it is Su Jingyan!

"Su elder?"

Su Jingyan glanced at him and gave him a look that was a little bit ignorant. The elders were somewhat unclear, but Bach saw it all in his eyes. The elders of the Lingxu Palace decided to take the shot, but this Su Jingyan suddenly hit Broke the other party's actions.

"Su Jingyan, you are not familiar with the white-eyed wolf, what do you want to do? You are not afraid of the remains of the Sirius Palace?" Bach swears.

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