Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2207: Jedi counterattack 9

Jun immortality allows Bach to take the medicinal herbs to ensure that Bach's life is worry-free, but this medicinal medicine has a very deadly side effect!

It will increase the pain of the human body by a hundred times, even if it is only the softest touch, it will make people feel like a knife. August 1 Chinese W? W (a) W (eight). (8) 8 (eight) 1? Z? W?. (8) C (eight) O?M

Bach had just taken it, and the original pain was like a beast that was out of the gate. It was full of all his consciousness. He was like being crushed by numerous stones for many times. His face turned from white to purple and his body shook. More powerful.

Jun no evil released his hand, still fell to the ground by Bach, she swept her eyes at Bach's fingers, lifted her feet, and one root smashed her phalanx!

The screams of sorrow echoed in everyone's ears. Every finger of Bach was crushed, bones and flesh and blood melted together, turned into a bolognese sauce, and he seemed to be detached from consciousness. However, the remedy for the innocent, but he did not even have the power to faint, his consciousness is still clear, and every bit of pain in the body feels clear.

Ten fingers were crushed, ten toes were broken, and the ten fingers were connected. It was already painful, and with the improvement of the efficacy, it was not the pain that ordinary people could endure.

Innocent with a lightsaber, carved a scar on Bach's flesh, each knife is deep visible bones, but avoids the key, tormented multiple times, but will not die.

The **** scene, watching the nine palaces all dressed up in the hair, a consensus in their hearts soared.

The Upper Three Realms are powerful, but the innocent means in front of them are so hot that they are not even better than the three worlds. She always knows that people can experience real pain, and that is not the same as a neck.

At the same time, everyone in the Jiugong gave them a warning. They must not provoke this enchanting sorcerer. Otherwise, they would not die even if they died.

Bach's screams continued, and in the end he couldn't even utter his pain, and he could only sneak down on the ground like a dead dog.

On the battlefield, the poison of the innocent species in Jinling has already played a role. They completely lost the ability to fight. They fell to the ground and vomited blood. The people of the Lingyao Temple who fought with them and the disciples of Yunxiao College Breathingly watching their enemies fall to the ground, no longer possible to climb up.

Throughout the square, there was a strange silence, a strong **** smell, and a jealous person wanted to vomit.

After being aware of the end of the battle, the drunken lotus, poppy and poison ivy did not immediately rush back to the side of the innocent, but separately sent the medicinal herbs that had been prepared by Jun No Evil to those seriously injured.

Drunken Lotus walked to the side of the adult, watching the adult who had been dyed with blood and looking at him with the eyes of the two hopes, and suddenly he was blind.

"It’s so stupid, I’ve been with the owner for so many years, I haven’t made any progress, and it’s so useless, I won’t bring you in the future.” Drunk Lotus bit his teeth, forcing a few pre-emptive tears, will be a lot of The lotus seeds were taken out and stuffed into the mouth of the adults.

The black beast on the side walked to the big man's side and gently licked the nose of the adult. Before the war, Jun Wuji had already given them a life-saving remedy. As long as it is not damaged by the visceral brain, it will not Have a life worry.

In this battle, they won the tragic.

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