Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2222: Warmth before the storm 1

After the goal of the transfer, the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao also told the disciples of the Lingyao Temple. After learning the news, many women were more and more jealous. They were restrained for too long and could not wait to want. Go and see the scenery that I have never seen before. They have no home, no relatives, and the sisters in the Lingyao Temple are their only relatives. Where is the Lingyao Temple, where is their home. Bayi Chinese Network??W≥W≈W≤. =81ZW. COM

Yan did not return to the side of Suya, and the day and night immortal care, the beard that had been scraped off once again had some scum, and now it was a black, but his eyes were happy.

Under the care of the innocent, Suya’s injury has improved, but she is too hurt. It will be difficult to return to the original appearance at one and a half. The wound on her face is already scarred, but the wound is so scary. Even she couldn't bear to look straight into her own eyes, but Yan did not return, but did not even give up. Even when Suya woke up every day, Yan would not return to every face on her face, as if they were The scar never existed, she is still the most beautiful woman in his heart.

Jun Wuxie had just taken the medicinal herbs into the camp of Suya in the early morning, and saw the intimate kiss between Yan and Sanya.

Rao is innocent and can't help but swear.

Yan did not return to the arrival of the innocent, and quickly went straight up, Junxiu's face with a trace of suspicious blush, seems a little confused.

It was Suya, and he laughed.

"It’s already a human being, and the skin is still so thin."

Yan’s face was even reddered by Su Ya’s face.

The immortality has been restored as usual, and he took the medicinal herbs and walked in.

"In the next three days, we will have to come out. Master Suya may be able to suffer?" If it is about injury, I am afraid that Suya’s injury is the heaviest except for the big man.

"What is called Suya Master, directly call my master, call him a teacher, listen to awkward." Suya spirit is much better, and the unspoken temper has also recovered.

Jun no evil saw a look at Yan did not return, see Yan not red face nodded, this should be said: "Yes, Master."

The relationship between her and Suya and Yan Bugui is slightly chaotic. Suya is her master and the master of Yan’s return. She has recognized them as a teacher. Fortunately, between Suya and Yan. Have feelings, otherwise I don’t know if I want to call Yan to be a master or a brother...

"I don't have any serious problems, I don't know Tian Ze's stupid boy..." Suya remembered her younger brother. She was arrested together with Tianze. She was left in prison as a bait, but Tianze was thrown away. Going out, Tian Ze’s injury is not much better than her, and I don’t know how he is.

"Master, please rest assured, the reason why I was able to rush to Fuyangshan was to meet the uncle, and Shishu has now recovered. I have already ordered people to pick up the uncle and they have come over the same day." In addition to Tianze, it is natural to bring the snow that cares for Tianze together. Lingyao Temple is going to the next three worlds. Naturally, it is impossible to leave Xueer alone in the middle three circles.

"That kid is really a fortune." Suya said, although it is awkward, but in the tone, it is not difficult to hear her concern for the younger brother.

"But... little devil, your accountant hasn't counted with you yet!" Su Ya said.

"Talk about it, you female red makeup, partial life to be loaded to the male body to get rid of the aging mother, plain white cover such a flowery appearance, how to account for this account?"

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