Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2226: Danger will be up to 2

"Yes!" Black people are human. ?八一?中文?W≈W≥W≠. ≤8≈1≤Z≤W≥. =C≈O≈M≠

"Please come to the city to see you." That humanity.

"Follow the orders." The black man immediately retired.

In a short while, the door was opened again, and the woman who was very cold and cold was stunned. She was so simple in her purple clothes, but it was so noble and glamorous, and a pair of hook-eyes with a phoenix eye The cold outside, the exquisite face does not see a little smile.

"You look for me?" Luo Liancheng opened, the diffuse smell in the room made her eyebrows wrinkle.

"You have to find, I have found it for you." The hoarse voice sounded again.

In the cold scorpion of Los Angeles, there was a glimmer of excitement. She resisted the fluctuations in her heart and narrowed her eyes.

"you sure?"

"OK, just... people, I found it for you, then what do you want to use to reward me?" There was a smile in the voice.

"What do you want?" Luo Qingcheng cold channel.

"I want a person."


"A girl who is next to that person, that person is what you are looking for, naturally it belongs to you, but the person around him, I want it."

Luo Dingcheng brow wrinkles.

"You can shoot at will, if she is obstructed, it will be killed, and it will be possible to bring back the body. I only need her."

"Well, I promise you." Luo Dangcheng Road.

"I will let people give you the portrait of the woman, I hope this time our cooperation can be successful." The man smiled low.

The cold laughter echoed in the dimly lit room, and couldn't tell the difference. Luo Qingcheng looked at the layers of gauze and went out without saying a word.

A man with a half-destroyed face outside the door waited at the door and saw Luo’s admiration. He immediately said, “I am a great man.”

"Have you heard it?" Luo Qingcheng's eyes did not turn.


"Be prepared, come out with the dark guard." Luo Dangcheng Road.


Luo Liancheng said, she left and walked into her room. She saw the door closed, stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and looked at the beautiful scenery of the sunset outside the window. The eyes were slightly lowered, and the complicated streamer floated in her eyes.

She was silent, and there was no expression on her glamorous face. After a long time, her door was opened, and the man walked in respectfully, holding a scroll in his hand.

"grown ups."

Luo Qingcheng raised his hand and took the picture, slowly unfolding, and a touch of color gradually revealed on the picture.

The **** the picture has a flawless face, but the coldness seems to be scattered from the picture. The painter who draws the picture is skillful and can make the people on paper look like the truth. The clear and deserted scorpion can't tell the beauty, even though it is only a painting, but the eyes are still cool.

If you look closely, the **** the scroll is similar to Luo Qingcheng. The same cold, but different, Luo Liancheng's glamorous and dazzling, is extremely aggressive.

But the girl in the painting gives the impression that it is so cold and indifferent, as if everything in this world is not enough to sway the waves in her eyes.

"This is the person he wants?" Luo Qingcheng slightly raised his eyes.


"Know it." Luo Qingcheng threw the picture into the burning brazier. The hot flame quickly swallowed the picture, and the girl in the painting disappeared a little bit in the flame, turning it into a crypt and a fire. Inside.

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