Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2231: After all, it’s still coming 1

When the sun goes down, the glory of the evening will connect the heavens and the earth into a line. August 1st? Chinese W?W?W. 81ZW. COM

The atmosphere in the whole team was suppressed because of the action of Jun and the Emperor. Everyone held their breath at this moment, and no one dared to make a sound.

The look of the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao became cautious. If it was pursued, it might be the Nine Palaces or the Upper Three Realms. If the two were chosen, he would rather be the Nine Palaces!

Jun's eyes were smashed into a dangerous seam, and the cold and cold light flashed through his purple eyes.

"The Emperor." Jun did not have the medicine to open the way.

"Who is this?" The Emperor asked nervously that his strength was not as good as that of no one, and his perception was not as strong as medicine.

"I have given you the little evil child." Jun said without medicine.

"What? What do you mean by this?" The emperor stunned for a moment, and Jun had no medicine... How could it be so wrong? He... Is it what happened?

"Night charm, act according to my previous orders." Jun did not answer the words of the emperor.

Standing on the side of the night fascinating eyes flashed a violent grief, he clenched his fists on his side and clenched, only an instant struggle, he flew to the side of the innocent.

Yan did not return to Suya, and looked at the back of Jun without medicine.

The atmosphere at this moment is too strange.

"Is there really a chase? Then we hurry!" The main hall of the Lingyao Temple was shocked.

Jun took no breath and took a deep breath. The momentum of the whole body suddenly became cold. He stared at the black shadow that covered the sunlight. He said: "It’s too late."

"Not too late..." The heart of the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao suddenly fell to the bottom of the valley.

The words of the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao have not been finished yet, and a large black figure has entered his sight in an instant.

The dense black man, uniform and uniform, they stepped into the sight of the dusk, stepping into the sight of everyone, almost instantly, the spirit of everyone to the highest point!

The Lord of the Temple of Lingyao held his breath in an instant, and looked incredulously at the large group of black people who appeared in front of them. These people’s costumes were the same as those of Bach and others, and the spiritual pressure around them was so Familiar with……

Not long ago, they had experienced the same oppression in the square of Yunxiao College!

Jin Ling!

All are Jinling!

This army that appeared in front of them was actually... Jinling...

God knows that the number of this army is even bigger than that of Yunxiao College!

The sound of the hooves of the horse rang at the mountainside, and every sound seemed to step on the heart of the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao.

The black men who lined up under the sound gave way to an unimpeded road. A black horse wearing a light armor came from the rear of the army. On the horse, he sat quietly and thought it was delicate. A temperamental cool-eyed woman!

When the Emperor saw the woman's appearance, the blood of the whole body was almost frozen. He opened his eyes incredulously, and could not believe that the pursuer would be her!

Luo Liancheng sat on the horse, slowly moving forward from the black man, the horseshoe stepped on Xie Hui, she was so sacred under the glory, but the cold eyes, but the beginning Finally locked in the body of the drug.

"Night prince, I haven't seen you for a long time, can you be okay?" The sound of cold ice came from the mouth of Luo Qingcheng. The eyes stared at the handsome face of the sinless medicine, which seemed to have solidified for a long time.

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