Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2236: Blood battle in the end 3

The steel knife in the hands of the black man did not hesitate to lie on the back of the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao. A deep visible bone scar between the eyes was on the back of the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao, and the blood rushed into the spring. The Lord of the Temple of Lingyao did not have any scruples at all. He rushed to the man who tried to hurt his disciples with the fastest speed. With his own hands, he broke the man's neck with hard hands!


He was a step late. August 1st? Chinese? Network? W?W (eight) W?. (8) 8 (eight) 1? Z? W (1). ?COM

The fallen on the ground is not only the person who cut his neck, but also the disciple he tried to save.

The disciple’s age doesn’t look too big. The white face is still with the girl’s green eyes. Her mouth is full of blood, and she dyes the collar of her chest. The once powerful eyes are completely lost. The brightness of the past, the pair lost their eyes, but it seems to be staring at the main hall of the Lingyao Temple...

Under the twilight of the evening, the half-big girl who fell in the pool of blood almost shattered the mind of the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao.

This is the youngest disciple in the Lingyao Temple. It is only fifteen years old this year. It is the cardamom, and it should have a fresh life. At this moment, it is quietly fell to the ground, and it is not obvious...

The Lord of the Temple of Lingyao still remembers that when the child went to Fuyang Mountain together, it was full of vitality. Even if it was a boat ride, the road was always on and off, and her face was always looking forward to the half-big child. Smile.

She said that she would like to be a benefactor in the future.

She said that she likes to go out with the sisters in the temple.

She said that the most admired thing in her life is His Highness...

The voice of the green voice seems to reverberate in the ear at this moment. The vivid figure in the memory is now in the warm blood.

The figure of the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao was slightly shocked. He wanted to reach out and close the eyes of the child, but even this could not be done. The black man who followed him came up again and raised the steel knife. !

Under the strength of the upper three worlds, he even... can not keep a child...

There has never been a setback and powerlessness, so that the heart of the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao has completely fallen into madness. He suddenly made a roar and called out Ao Xue Hanmei to enter the enemy line.

Between the mountains and the wilderness, the mourning sounds through the clouds, the strong **** smell, so that the beasts in the mountains must shun the house, the ubiquitous killings, the ubiquitous death, and the former tranquility into a battlefield of Shura.

Yan is not going to protect Suya, but his strength is better than Suya, not to mention the Jinling. He wants to fight, but he has no strength in battle. He has never hated like this moment. Your own incompetence!

He couldn't protect his beloved with his hands, and he kept the inconvenient Suya in his arms, and used his body to prop up the little safe place for Suya. Countless attacks lie on him. On the back of the back, he did not use his body to protect Suya, his entire back was suddenly fried in flesh and blood, faintly visible pale bones revealed from the wound.

"Don't care about me..." Suya was not returned to her chest by Yan, and the suppressed voice continued to overflow from her mouth. At this moment, she could no longer be clear, and there was no way to live! She can't escape, but Yan does not return to have a chance, she does not want to be his burden! !

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