Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2240: Blood battle in the end 7

At this moment, the arrogance of Luo Liancheng’s heart was broken by the moving master of Sen Luo’s face. She turned her eyes back and looked at the innocent, her eyes slightly picked up, and the gloomy cold light flashed in her eyes. August 1st? Wenwang W (1) W? W. 81ZW. COM

"Is it the night prince for you?"

Jun has no reason to ignore the response of Luo Dangcheng, just constantly attacking, she has already appeared, Luo Dangcheng has a great response to the face of Sen Luo, this is a good time for her to find opportunities, how can she waste time and Luo Dangcheng to fight for the tongue?

"Why? With what kind of garbage you have, you can have the face of Sen Luo! You simply don't deserve it!" Luo's calm and thorough cracking, hatred spread on her chest.

It is no accident that Jun Nothing will give Sen Luo's face to Jun. If he is not a person, how can he be willing to cut love?

Half of the upper three worlds, the face of Sen Luo, who can't change, is now in the hands of the innocent, how can Luo Qingcheng be convinced?

"You don't deserve the face of Sen Luo, give it to me!" The momentum of Luo's whole body suddenly changed. Her figure disappeared in the same place, and the innocence was almost at the moment of Luo's anger. The silver wings behind him suddenly flew into the air.

Just as the innocent feet just left the ground, a ghostly figure came to her where she was, and there was a huge pit on the ground!

Under the heavy blow, the smoke is lingering, and the figure of Luo Qingcheng appears in the dust. Just a single blow, there is such a strong killing effect. If the speciality of the non-Sen Luo face can let the innocent leave the ground to avoid the attack, I am afraid that with her degree, I can’t escape the pursuit of Luo’s city!

At this moment, Jun Wu has clearly realized that the reason why the Emperor is so afraid of Luo Liancheng is not an alarmist. Luo Dangcheng can be regarded as the most powerful enemy ever seen in the history of the innocent!

Her strength is far above the emperor!

"Hey! You think you are hiding in the air, I can't move you?" Luo Qingcheng looked up, his eyes were dangerously picked up, her right hand of the fist was unfolding, and a circle of goose-yellow halo was in full swing. Appeared in her hands, no matter the size or the light, Luo Lingcheng's spiritual ring is stronger than the emperor!

Even if there is a Sen Luo armor protector, Jun can be sure, as long as the Luo fell into the city, I am afraid that she will suffer a very serious injury, so that she can hurt all the fighting power!

The innocent and unmoving look of Luo Dangcheng, Luo Qingcheng's eyes have been covered by hatred, twisted crazy look, making her look extremely dangerous.

The affiliation of the face of Sen Luo has completely stimulated the city of Luo.

The innocent eyes of the innocent sweep over the four weeks. On the battlefield, the disciples of the Lingyao Temple suffered heavy casualties, and they have already suffered a lot of damage. If they don’t turn around, they are afraid that everything will be too late.

How much is it? This time, even the innocent people can't figure out that the strength of Luochengcheng is enough to withstand any design.

Luo Dingcheng angrily stunned the ring in his hand, and the yellow-eyed spirit ring gradually enlarged and fell under her feet. Luo Liancheng set foot on the spiritual ring, and even rose to the mid-air by the power of the spiritual ring!

The emperor who saw this scene completely held his breath.

The strength of Luochengcheng has already reached such a realm! !

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