Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2244: Blood battle in the end 11

The shock and the strangeness in my heart are intertwined, but the emperor has no more thoughts about it. The situation in front of him has already been wasted by him. Although Jun is not hurting Luo Luocheng, she herself has already fallen into the realm of sudden death. Now, the king is innocent, and he says that he has to fight back. I am afraid that even the power of dodging is gone. Luo Liancheng only needs a random trick to get the life of the innocent!

The cold sweat of the beans oozes from the forehead of the emperor. Eight? One? Chinese W (one) W? W?. (8) 8?1 (eight) Z (eight) W?. COM

At that time, Luo Qingcheng had already gnashed her teeth and couldn’t stand the fact that she would be hurt by such a weak and innocent. She raised her hand fiercely and threw the lightsaber toward the innocent The past!

The lightsaber turned into a streamer, flying toward the innocent chest with a very fast degree!

Jun no evil took a deep breath, his eyes slightly picked up, want to hide, but it is not!

She only waited for the coming of death.


Not reconciled!

Just in the moment when the lightsaber is about to run through the innocent, a slender figure rushes to the front of the innocent, and will hold the innocent, almost in an instant, a hot, dyed Jun has no evil.

The light sword in a moment, through the person in front of her!

The innocent eyes were slightly enlarged, and she stared at the man who suddenly hugged her.

For the innocent to block the sword, it turned out to be a woman who had been silent for a long time, with a mask all the time. At this moment, her appearance was still covered by the mask, only a pair of painful eyes, the light sword from her The back of the penetrating through, the blood-stained sword tip runs through her body, and she is hard-pressed by her flesh-and-blood card. The tip of the sword is less than half an inch away from Jun.

But this is half an inch, but it has saved the life of the innocent!

The red blood fell from the area, dyed the woman's slender neck, and her hands were tied to the innocent shoulders, and the eyes were staring at the innocent.

"Live... you must... live..." The repressed and painful voice came from the woman's mouth. Her eyes were filled with tears, but she did not regret it.

"You...who is it..." Jun no evil stared at the woman who gave her the sword to stop her.

The woman did not open her mouth, but instead used a blood-stained hand, and trembled and took out a remedy from her waist. She lifted her hand hard and stuffed the blood-stained medicinal herbs into the mouth of the innocent.

The innocent body suddenly trembled, and the entrance of the medicinal herb was so familiar. It was after the help of the swaying mountain, she ordered the night charm to be the healing remedy in the hands of many injured disciples in the Lingyao Temple, and this one The quality of the medicinal herbs is not bad. On the same day, the priests knew that it was difficult to save Suya, so they were all carrying the best remedies.

This medicinal medicine, although not enough for her to recover in an instant, is enough to keep her away from the crisis of blood loss and save her life.

But this medicine... Why does this woman not eat? She has been keeping, what is it for?

The woman did not open her mouth. Under the serious injury, every time she fired a light sword stuck in her body, it would cause great damage to her. But she knew very well that she had to die, she only hoped that Jun could live without it... ...even if there is only one in ten thousand hopes, too!

"Promise me... you must live..." The intermittent words are so weak, and Jun has no notice that the woman’s body has already been covered with scars. She had suffered before she blocked the sword for herself. Seriously injured, how can she rush out in the first place, and stop the fatal blow for the innocent?

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