Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2250: Blood battle in the end 17

Luo Dangcheng left with a team of people, and the blood-filled green hills were covered with a bleakness.八一一中文 W ≤ W ≥ W ≥. ≈8≈1≤Z=W≈. ≈C≥OM

The man’s mouth is breathing heavily. This battle is the most fierce battle in his life. When he looks at the black man’s 6th, he’s not relieved, but his mind is falling. In the dusk, on the back of the bleak, the little figure that had already been soaked in blood, stood alone in the pool of blood, so tall and straight, but people could not help but feel worried.

"Missy..." The night charm rushed to the side of Jun Wuxie. The look in his eyes was complicated and he wanted to say something, but when he saw the innocent look of the monarch, he came to the mouth in an instant.

In that pale face, covered with dripping blood, demon red, on the white skin, like a blossoming **** flower, two lines of tears, I do not know when from the clear The eyelids slipped, and the crystal clear tears rolled off the cheeks, rushing away the blood of the demon, quietly...

The night charm is on the spot.

From knowing the innocence to the present, he has experienced countless battles of magnitude and size. No matter what kind of danger he faces, he has never seen the innocent tears. He always thought that Missy would never cry.

The word tears never belongs to her.

But in the end, the night is wrong.

Without whimpering, no crying, she stood in the wind, silent and silent, with no expression on her face, slightly wide eyes, facing the cool breeze at dusk, tears not squatting, but had been blown dry by the wind.

It is such a silence, but it is such a heartbreak.

At night, I didn’t know what to do, but I could only stay in the same place.

The threat of no medicine brought a breather to the people of Lingyao Temple. The black people retreated to the side and watched the departure of Luo’s city at dusk. There was no relaxation in the whole mountain, blood was everywhere. The corpse is everywhere, and the figure that has been wiped down is the sister they are most familiar with. In the middle of the mountain, in the dark hole, they rely on each other and accompany each other for thousands of years.

However, in today's life, the death is not the same, and the fate is broken.

"Sister-in-law..." screamed and screamed, and the girl in the pool of blood was scarred. She shook her hand and fell to the ground. The breathless woman hugged her in her arms, and let her shake.


The sorrowful cry suddenly echoed in the quiet mountain forest, and countless birds were scared.

That voice is so sad and sad.

The main hall of Lingyao Temple is red and red. It is the color of his armor. It is still stained with blood. His head has been scattered. His eyes swept over the ground and touched the figure of his mother-in-law. His figure shook a little. It turned out that even the station was unstable.

Following his millennial month mother-in-law, she fell to the ground peacefully. Under her body, she was holding a broken disciple of Lingyao Temple, a sharp sword, running through her back, and her and his disciples. The nails were dead on the ground, and the blood was stained with the ground.

"Month..." The voice of the main hall of Lingyao Temple was a little shaken. The temple of Lingyao fell for thousands of years. The early disciples who had followed him had not much left, but the mother-in-law was following him on the day when the self-defense hall was not destroyed. By the side, he thought, but let her live and be old, but never thought of it... After all, she was tired of her.

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